Новости стэнли томас 1 й граф дерби

Определились полуфиналисты Кубка Стэнли сезона-2022/2023. В финале Западной конференции между собой сыграют «Даллас Старс» и «Вегас Голден Найтс», в финале Восточной — «Каролина Харрикейнс» и «Флорида Пантерс». Первый матч между «Каролиной». Стэнли, Томас, 2-й граф Дерби. Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby1. В финале Кубка Стэнли «Вегас» представляли 16 игроков из Канады, три американца, а также по одному представителю России, Латвии и Швеции. Томас Стэнли Портрет Томаса Стэнли, 1-го графа Дерби.

Стэнли, Томас, 1-й граф Дерби

Граф Дерби — Дворец Ноузли Холл резиденция графов Дерби Граф Дерби (англ. Старший сын Томаса Стэнли, 1-го графа Дерби, и его первой жены Элеоноры Невилл, дочери Ричарда Невилла, 5-го графа Солсбери. Стэнли, Томас, 1-й граф Дерби (Vmzuln, Mkbgv, 1-w ijgs:yjQn). Граф Дерби — Дворец Ноузли Холл резиденция графов Дерби Граф Дерби (англ.

«Арсенал» уничтожил «Челси» в лондонском дерби

По возвращении к власти Эдуарда IV назначен в 1471 году лордом-верховным камергером Англии [2]. Будучи женатым на матери ланкастрианского претендента на престол Генриха Тюдора, графа Ричмонда, стал склоняться на его сторону [2]. Ричард III необоснованно продолжал доверять Томасу даже после того, как на некоторое время заключил его в тюрьму по подозрению в заговоре 1483 года. Был ранен во время ареста, но вскоре его освободили. Этому не мешало даже то обстоятельство, что главный противник Ричарда, Генрих Тюдор, граф Ричмонд, был пасынком Стэнли. Нес церемониальный жезл на коронации Ричарда III. Сохранил за собой пост лорда-верховного камергера Англии.

This provides some idea of the immense wealth and influence that had been built up by the Stanley family over a long period of loyal service to the crown. When it comes down to Sir Thomas Stanley in 1459 and he inherits everything his ancestors built and acquired, the Baronetcy came with so much land and property and wealth, this meant that Thomas had great power too. That power meant that for several years he was able to navigate his way through the Lancaster and York challenges and conflicts and when he took as his second wife the Lady Margaret Beaufort, Widow of Edmund Tudor, the Earl of Richmond, he continued to work in the household of King Richard III, of the House of York, whilst his wife was working away trying to bring her son Henry Tudor back to England to claim the English Crown. Like his father, grandfather and great grandfather he was buried in Burscough Priory.

Король Ричард объявил его предателем, но оставил в живых, чтобы обеспечить лояльность Стэнли. Фактически, Рикардо смог приказать казнить Стрэнджа уже на поле боя, хотя поражение Рикардо предотвратило это. Столкнувшись с угрозой, Стэнли ответил: «Сир, у меня есть другие дети». У лорда Стэнли была тайная встреча с претендентом на титул Тюдоров, хотя 22 августа 1485 года к югу от рынка Босуорт сэр Уильям и лорд Стэнли присоединились к стороне повстанцев и йоркистов соответственно. Таким образом, они разделили свои армии так же, как они сделали это в битве при Блор-Хит. Во время битвы лорд Стэнли избегал участия, сковав свою армию. После смерти Ричарда в бою лорд Стэнли забрал корону у последнего короля Йорков и короновал его пасынка. В 1486 году он был крестным отцом старшего сына короля, Артура Тюдора , принца Уэльского. Тем не менее, он, возможно, еще раз разделил свою лояльность во время восстания Ламберта Симнела в 1487 году. Меньше повезло его брату Уильяму, который поддержал требование Перкина Уорбека , казненного за измену в 1495 году. Он смог сохранить свои позиции в Честере и Ланкастере, несмотря на политические потрясения, и смог укрепить и расширить наследие своего отца. Привилегии Стэнли позволили ему сохранить влияние и уровень жизни, не разрушив свою семью, как это случилось с другими дворянами. Он использовал свои арбитражные права для вмешательства в местные споры. Причастность к тайне принцев в Башне Стэнли был констеблем с конца 1483 года, когда Эдуард V и Ричард Йоркский, находившиеся в плену в лондонском Тауэре , исчезли. Констебль отвечал за входы и выходы из Тауэра, в то время самого безопасного королевского дворца в Англии. Следуя этой теории, Стэнли не нужно было бы вмешиваться только из-за его положения.

В 1487 году Джордж Стэнли принимал участие в битве при Стоук-Филд. В том же году был посвящён в рыцари орденом Подвязки и стал тайным советником. Семья и дети Жена: с 1482 года Джоан Ле Стрейндж ок. Дети: Джон Стэнли ум.

«Сент-Луис» уволил тренера. Он выиграл первый в истории клуба Кубок Стэнли

Father: Thomas STANLEY (Knight Lord of Lathom). This article gives you relevant information about Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby, highlighting its most important features and its possible applications in daily life. Стэнли, Томас, 1-й граф Дерби (Vmzuln, Mkbgv, 1-w ijgs:yjQn). Барбашев поучаствовал в первой шайбе своей команды, совершив отбор в своей зоне и начав голевую атаку.

Экс-вратарь «Далласа» Худобин стал игроком «Сибири»

  • Томас Стэнли биография
  • «Арсенал» уничтожил «Челси» в лондонском дерби ⊕ Новости футбола на
  • Category:Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby - Wikimedia Commons
  • Экс-вратарь «Далласа» Худобин стал игроком «Сибири»

Кучеров не спасает. «Тампа» — в шаге от вылета

Томас Стэнли был сыном-бастардом Уильяма Стэнли, оставившего след в истории как предатель двух королей. Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby1. Стэнли, Томас, 1-й граф Дерби — статья из Интернет-энциклопедии для

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Томас Стэнли Портрет Томаса Стэнли, 1-го графа Дерби. (John Stanley a younger brother of Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby was the ancestor of the Barons Stanley of Alderley.). Томас Стэнли (англ. Thomas Stanley, ок.

Граф Дерби

Томас Стэнли II — английский государственный и военный деятель, рыцарь ордена Подвязки, король острова Мэн (с 1459 года), английский пэр, отчим короля Англии Генриха VII Тюдора. Россиянин сделал одну голевую передачу, ставшую для него 24-м очком (2+22) в 75 матчах плэй-офф. Финалист Кубка Стэнли 2020 года в составе «Даллас Старз» Антон Худобин стал голкипером клуба Континентальной хоккейной лиги (КХЛ) «Сибирь», передает пресс-служба клуба.

Граф Дерби

Однако он согласился на воцарение Ричарда III и сохранил за собой должность управляющего, избежав вовлечения в восстание 1483 г. Он был назначен констеблем Англии и получил во владение поместья своей жены с обязанностью обеспечивать ее безопасность в каком-то секретном месте дома. Ричард III не мог позволить себе ссориться со столь могущественным дворянином, но у него возникли подозрения, когда в начале 1485 года Стэнли попросил разрешения удалиться в свои поместья в Ланкашире, а летом Ричард попросил Стэнли отправить его сына лорда Стрэнджа в суд. После высадки Генриха Тюдора Стэнли извинился за то, что не присоединился к королю.

Edward has returned and defeated the Lancastrians at the battle of Barnet 14 Apr 1471 , where, fighting with desperation on foot, Warwick himself is slain. At Tewkesbury 4 May 1471 the Lancastrian cause was finally overthrown. With the restored Edward the astute and fortunate Lord Stanley was soon in higher favour than before. It was in this capacity that, in the summer of 1475, he accompanied Edward on that invasion of France which the wiles of Louis XI and the gold distributed by him among the chief English courtiers turned into an alliance between France and England. Seven years later, when Richard, Duke of Gloucester was sent on an expedition into Scotland, Lord Stanley commanded under him the right wing, some 4000 strong, of the invading army, and with it Stanley invested and stormed Berwick-upon-Tweed, which remained English ever afterwards. By her he had 7 sons and 6 daughters. In 1482 he married Margaret Beaufort - effectively a marriage of convenience for both as she brought status to Sir Thomas whilst he provided some security in a volatile world.

It gave Lord Stanley a wife with great possessions, and her only child, Henry of Richmond , was an attainted exile-a half-prisoner of the Duke of Brittany. One was that of the Queen Mother, Elizabeth Woodville, whose marriage to Edward, and still more the lionours heaped by him on her kindred, had provoked the ire of some of his best friends among the nobles. Lord Stanley himself seems to have belonged to a second party, one loyal to the young King and distrustful of his uncle, Richard of Gloucester, but hostile to the pretensions of the Queen Mother and her kindred. He, too, like Lord Stanley, had married a sister of Warwick, the King-maker. The turn of Hastings himself came next. Hastings and Stanley were on the friendliest terms, and according to tradition Stanley had warned Hastings of his fate and advised him to fly. If so, he ought himself to have fled, since, according to the same tradition, he was nearly involved in the destruction which befell Hastings. On the 26 Richard, already Protector, was proclaimed King. His friend Hastings was beheaded, but Lord Stanley himself escaped. BEF the end of the year this most dexterous and fortunate of noblemen was appointed "Constable of England" for life.

Whatever happened to kings or to dynasties, it was the fate of Lord Stanley to flourish and increase. During their course-if really ever enacted precisely as the time-honoured traditions represent it to have beenwas enacted the dark tragedy of the Children in the Tower. According to More , Buckingham in his wrath conceived a notion of setting himself up for King, descended as he was from a seventh son of Edward III. In the course of their conversation - Sir Thomas More is the authority for all this-she besought him, as powerful with the King, to use his influence on behalf of her son, Henry of Richmond , then an exile in Brittany. If Richard would permit him to return to England and marry one of the daughters of Edward IV, no other dowry than the favour of the King would be asked for with her. However, according to More , this mention of Richmond set Buckingham thinking. When he arrived at Breeknock, he talked the matter over with his prisoner, Morton , who strongly encouraged his new view. The peer and prelate at Brecknock opened formal negotiations with Margaret of Richmond.

Гудрёд Охотник — конунг Вестфолда ок.

Эйнстейн Гром — конунг Вестфолда 750-е — 780-е 14. Олаф Лесоруб — конунг Вермланда 2-я пол. VII в 16. Ингъяльд Коварный — конунг Уппсалы ок. Анунд Дорога — конунг Уппсалы?

Маркетплейсы предлагают своим партнерам не только многомиллионную аудиторию покупателей, но и отработанные схемы реализации товара.... Стэнли, Томас, 1-й барон Стэнли Томас Стэнли англ. Thomas Stanley; ок.

Томас Стэнли, 1-й граф Дерби - Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby

Правнук сэра Джона Стэнли умер около 1414 г. В битве при Блор-Хит в августе 1459 г. Стэнли, хотя он находился под рукой с большими силами, он не присоединился к королевской армии, в то время как его брат Уильям открыто сражался за Йорк. В 1461 году Эдвард IV назначил Стэнли главным судьей Чешира, но 10 лет спустя он встал на сторону своего зятя Уорвика в восстановлении Ланкастеров.

Ондржей Палат забросил победные шайбы в 3-й и 5-й играх финала Восточной конференции против «Нью-Йорк Рейнджерс» и в 5-й игре финала Кубка Стэнли. У него 12 победных голов в плей-офф НХЛ, что является третьим результатом среди действующих игроков вслед за Джо Павелски 14 из «Далласа» и Евгением Малкиным 13 из «Питтсбурга» 13. Палат выиграл Кубок Стэнли с «Тампой» в 2020 и 2021 годах.

The same chronicler avers that after the landing of Richmond was known to Richard, the King summoned Lord Stanley to join him at Nottingham, and received a refusal on the plea of sickness. Last, not least, at the very crisis of the battle of Bosworth , in the old account reproduced by Shakespeare, Richard is represented as ordering the execution of Lord Strange, while those around beseech him to defer it until the battle is over. Richmond landed at Milford Haven on the 1 Aug, 1485, Richard marched from Nottingham with his army on the 16th, and the Battle of Bosworth Field was fought on the 22 of that month.

Now it so happens that there is in the Warrington Museum a deed of reconveyance of his estates to Sir Thomas Butler from his feoffees, executed at Bewsey in Lancashire, and witnessed by Lord Stanley and his sons, Lord Strange and Sir Edward Stanley, on the 18 Jul, 1485, only five weeks before the battle of Bosworth. Moreover, adds an obliging informant, there is another document of a similar character among the Lilford Muniments at Atherton, near Manchester, where the same witnesses are named, two or three weeks later: this deed is dated at Latham. If Lord Strange was placed as a hostage by his father in the bands of Richard, it must have been in the brief interval between the date when he witnessed at Latham the signature of the later of the documents referred to and that of the battle of Bosworth. This is the account of the matter given by the Croyland Chronicler in the passage already quoted. This, however, is what the chroniclers would have us believe, and Shakespeare has given perpetuity to the improbable story. If Lord Stanley did not join Richmond on his landing, it was, we are told, because he feared for the life of his son, then very possibly safe and sound at Latham. But Sir William seems to have been a rasher, or rapider man than his elder brother, and much more ready to run risks. When Richard was killed and the battle over, the battered crown which had fallen from his helmet during the conflict was, according to a plausible tradition, placed by Lord Stanley or his brother on the head of the victorious Richmond. There was no longer room for doubts, scruples, hesitations.

Nor did the Stanleys show any pity for those of their coadjutors of the ended reign, who to the last had remained faithful and true to Richard. He made his will on the day of execution, and it contained this significant, this striking passage and petition: "My Lord Stanley, Strange, and all that blood! The peerage was extinguished with the deprivation of the 5th Earl of Ferrers and Derby in 1297 for complicity with Simon De Montfort. On the 20 Sep in the same year arrived with almost too great punctuality the birth of the first child of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York , that Prince Arthur whose marriage with Catalina de Aragon helped to bring about the English Reformation. In the Nov of the following year came the separate coronation of the Queen , and, at the feast in Westminster Hall which followed it, Lord Derby is described as present, attired in a rich gown furred with sables, a marvellous chain of gold of many folds about his neck, and the trappers of his courser right curiously wrought with theneedle. In this same year, moreover, aid given by Lord Strange, of course as representative of his father, in suppressing an insurrection against Henry , led to a further enrichment of the Stanleys. On the 16 Jun 1486, was fought the battle of Stoke , in which the insurgents under the Earl of Lincoln and Sir Thomas Broughton, a North Lancashire man, were routed, and their protege, the pretender Lambert Simnel , taken prisoner. Not a lord in all the county was half so great a lord as he. The prosperity of the Stanleys was at its height when one prominent member of the family was suddenly disgraced and hurled into the grave; the head of the house, however, escaping the blow which felled and made short work of his brother.

Sir William Stanley had reaped due rewards for his conduct at Bosworth. Henry appointed him Chancellor of the Exchequer, and gave him the Garter. At the moment of losing everything, life as well as lands, Sir William Stanley was, according to Lord Bacon as biographer of Henry VII , "the richest subject for value in the kingdom; there being found in his Castle of Holt", Bacon adds, particularising with apparent gusto, "40,000 marks in ready money and plate, besides jewels, household stuff, stocks upon the ground, and other personal estate, exceeding great. Some of this property had been acquired on the field of Bosworth itself, and was in fact neither more nor less than "loot".

Также он был назначен верховным камергером герцогства Ланкастерского и хранителем лесов к северу от Трента. Позднее стал крестным отцом принца Артура Уэльского [2]. В 1495 году Томас за государственную измену казнил своего брата Уильяма , поддержавшего самозванца Перкина Уорбека. Томас II был последним королём острова Мэн, все его последователи имели титул лордов острова Мэн. Брак и дети[ править править код ] 1-я жена: Элеонора Невилл ок.

Дети: Джордж Стэнли ок.

Стэнли, Томас, 1-й барон Стэнли

В частности, мэнская традиционная баллада Mannanan Beg Mac y Leirr сообщает, что Томас Стэнли воевал в графстве Кирккайдбрайтшир в восточном Галлоуэе в южной Шотландии, весьма сильно разорил эти земли, а затем в 1507 году удалился в свой дом в Дерби. Томас Стэнли присутствовал в качестве гаранта при заключении ранней помолвки Марии Тюдор с Карлом Кастильским, будущим императором Священной Римской империи. Он был одним из двух пэров, председательствовавших на судебном процессе над герцогом Бекингемом в 1521 году. В этом же году второй граф Дерби умер в своём имении Колхем в графстве Миддлсекс и был похоронен в усыпальнице монастыря Сион.

By her he had 7 sons and 6 daughters. In 1482 he married Margaret Beaufort - effectively a marriage of convenience for both as she brought status to Sir Thomas whilst he provided some security in a volatile world. It gave Lord Stanley a wife with great possessions, and her only child, Henry of Richmond , was an attainted exile-a half-prisoner of the Duke of Brittany. One was that of the Queen Mother, Elizabeth Woodville, whose marriage to Edward, and still more the lionours heaped by him on her kindred, had provoked the ire of some of his best friends among the nobles.

Lord Stanley himself seems to have belonged to a second party, one loyal to the young King and distrustful of his uncle, Richard of Gloucester, but hostile to the pretensions of the Queen Mother and her kindred. He, too, like Lord Stanley, had married a sister of Warwick, the King-maker. The turn of Hastings himself came next. Hastings and Stanley were on the friendliest terms, and according to tradition Stanley had warned Hastings of his fate and advised him to fly. If so, he ought himself to have fled, since, according to the same tradition, he was nearly involved in the destruction which befell Hastings. On the 26 Richard, already Protector, was proclaimed King. His friend Hastings was beheaded, but Lord Stanley himself escaped. BEF the end of the year this most dexterous and fortunate of noblemen was appointed "Constable of England" for life.

Whatever happened to kings or to dynasties, it was the fate of Lord Stanley to flourish and increase. During their course-if really ever enacted precisely as the time-honoured traditions represent it to have beenwas enacted the dark tragedy of the Children in the Tower. According to More , Buckingham in his wrath conceived a notion of setting himself up for King, descended as he was from a seventh son of Edward III. In the course of their conversation - Sir Thomas More is the authority for all this-she besought him, as powerful with the King, to use his influence on behalf of her son, Henry of Richmond , then an exile in Brittany. If Richard would permit him to return to England and marry one of the daughters of Edward IV, no other dowry than the favour of the King would be asked for with her. However, according to More , this mention of Richmond set Buckingham thinking. When he arrived at Breeknock, he talked the matter over with his prisoner, Morton , who strongly encouraged his new view. The peer and prelate at Brecknock opened formal negotiations with Margaret of Richmond.

It seems that a project for marrying Richmond to the Princess Elizabeth , the eldest daughter of Edward IV, had been already communicated by Margaret to Elizabeth Woodville then with her children in sanctuary at Westminster , through a Welsh physician, who ministered medically to both of them. Messengers were sent with money and advice to Richmond in Brittany, and he consented to everything. The 18th of Oct 1483 was fixed for a general rising. By that day Henry was to arrive in England at the head of an invading force, and co-operate with the levies of Buckingham and his fellow conspirators. Stormy weather delayed the arrival of Richmond and scattered his ships.

Stanley died on 29th July 1504 at Lathom and was buried at Burscough Priory. Stanley was an influential man in the north-west of England, owning land and properties in Cheshire and Lancashire. He also had holdings in the Midlands and on the Isle of Man. Also on this day in Tudor history...

However, according to More , this mention of Richmond set Buckingham thinking. When he arrived at Breeknock, he talked the matter over with his prisoner, Morton , who strongly encouraged his new view. The peer and prelate at Brecknock opened formal negotiations with Margaret of Richmond. It seems that a project for marrying Richmond to the Princess Elizabeth , the eldest daughter of Edward IV, had been already communicated by Margaret to Elizabeth Woodville then with her children in sanctuary at Westminster , through a Welsh physician, who ministered medically to both of them. Messengers were sent with money and advice to Richmond in Brittany, and he consented to everything. The 18th of Oct 1483 was fixed for a general rising. By that day Henry was to arrive in England at the head of an invading force, and co-operate with the levies of Buckingham and his fellow conspirators. Stormy weather delayed the arrival of Richmond and scattered his ships. Lord Stanley had married his eldest son George to Joan, the daughter and heiress of John, Lord Strange her mother, be it noted, was a sister of Elizabeth Woodville , and through this marriage, it may be mentioned, there came to the husband and his descendants the Barony of Strange, a circumstance which accounts for the fact that "Lord Strange" was long the courtesy title of the eldest sons of the Earls of Derby. The Duke of Buckingham has so many as that. It is said here that he is able to go where he will; but I trust he shall be right withstanded, and else were great pity". It may be doubted, Mr Secretary himself did not know whither Lord Strange was bound. Certain it is, however, that the ever-lucky and dexterous Stanley was a gainer by the failure of the insurrection which his wife had fomented. Richard might have his doubts, but he kept them to himself, and laboured to persuade Stanley practically that loyalty was the best policy. Strange spectacle, while honours were heaped on the husband, all that seemed prudently possible was done to humiliate and punish the wife. Lord Stanley was made Constable of England for life in the Dec of 1483. Early in the new year, on the 22 Jan, 1484, a parliament met at Westminster, opened by Richard in person, his confidant and instrument, Catesby, being chosen Speaker of the Commons. It recited that "she had of late conspired, confederated, and committed treason" against the King, by "sending messages, writings, and tokens to the said Henry; desiring him to come into this realm and make war against him", and had also raised "great sums of money" to be employed for the same purpose. Nevertheless, it was added, the King considering "the good and faithful service that Thomas Lord Stanley had done, and intendeth to do, and for the good love and trust that the King hath in him, for his sake remitteth and will forbear to her the great punishment of attainder of the said Countess". Margaret was, however, disabled from inheriting any lands or dignities, and declared to have forfeited her estates to the crown, only a life interest in them being conceded to Lord Stanley. It was an enactment which did not make the mother of Henry, Earl of Richmond - or for that matter, perhaps, his step-father either- more loyal to Richard of Gloucester. A year and a half passed away after the opening of the parliament which in the Jan of 1484 attainted Margaret of Richmond. At the beginning of 1485 Richard acted as if he believed firmly in the fidelity of the Stanleys. In the Jan of that year he issued two commissions, one for Cheshire, the other for Lancashire. And it any rebels arrive in those parts that then all the power that they can make be ready to assist the said Lords and Knight upon their faiths and [al]legiances".

«Тампа-Бэй» проиграла «Флориде» и оказалась в шаге от вылета из Кубка Стэнли

Чешский нападающий Ондржей Палат 1991 подписал пятилетний контракт на 30 миллионов долларов с «Нью-Джерси». Его среднегодовая зарплата составит 6 миллионов. Правда, на этот раз «Тампа» уступила трофей «Колорадо», уступив в решающей серии — 2-4.

Принадлежал к династии Инглингов, которые считаются потомками Одина. Исторические предки Готфрида: 0.

Магнус — король Мэна и Островов 1252 — 1265 2. Готфрид V Черный — король Мэна и Островов 1153 — 1158 и 1164 — 1187 4. Олаф I Красный — король Мэна и Островов 1113 — 1153 5. Харальд I Черный — король Мэна и Островов 1034 — 1040 7.

Именно эта ставка и сыграла. В первые 60 минут матча команды забросили по две шайбы в ворота друг друга. Однако уже на 3-й минуте овертайма Картер Верхаге принёс «пантерам» вторую победу над «Тампой».

Его вдова, Энн, умерла в Колем-Грин и была похоронена 17 ноября 1550 года. А папское разрешение был получен для брака. Однако в том же году Элизабет умерла. По договору от 17 декабря 1505 года Дерби женился на Энн Гастингс, дочери Эдвард Гастингс, второй барон Гастингс , и Мэри Хангерфорд , и от нее было два сына и дочь: [6] Маргарет Стэнли ум.

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