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"GolD Roger" -: $315.12 USD in prize money won from 2 tournaments. Mobile Legends’ Roger is a fighter/marksman hybrid that can transform into a wolf, enhancing his attacks to take out targets. Learn how to play Roger in Mobile Legends in 2022 with this comprehensive guide.

Mlbb Mlbb Roger GIF

Роджер хочет остановить это безумие общественного вреда и выследил этих злых животных. Хотя Роджер смог спасти путешественников, но злой дух этих животных заразил его. Итак, в полнолуние Роджер превращается в тяжелого зверя-оборотня и убегает из дома, чтобы не навредить своей семье. Mobile Legends Роджер Скиллс Роджер наполовину человек, наполовину оборотень, поэтому он сочетает в себе качества человека и волка. Этот персонаж имеет расширенные наборы навыков, которые будут меняться в зависимости от его игрового персонажа.

Объявления Ликанский рывок: Роджер может прыгать на персонажа, нанося 300-600 единиц физического урона трем врагам.

Ultimate: Wolf Transformation Roger transforms into wolf form and rushes towards enemies, dealing physical damage and slowing them. Ultimate: Restore Human Form Roger rolls in the indicated direction to assume human form and gain shield.

Use your ultimate then trigger this skill preferably to squishy heroes in the backline. You can also use this skill to dodge enemy skills, damage from neutral objectives, and turret damage. Wolf Form Second Skill — Bloodthirsty Howl Roger lets out a howl, increasing his attack speed to a multiplier for a couple of seconds.

For the duration, he gains a percentage of extra movement speed upon spotting an enemy hero below a certain percentage of HP. Make sure to activate this whenever available to continually trigger the Full Moon Curse passive. This spell enables you to swiftly clear jungle camps, including key objectives like the Lord and Turtle , accelerating your farm and item acquisition. Additionally, you can either go for the Ice Retribution or the Bloody Retribution. The former gives you the ability to steal movement speed from an enemy target, thereby improving your ability to chase targets down. The latter gives your the ability to siphon HP from the enemy.

Сборка: Самым первым закупаем вампиризм, дабы прибавить себе урона и обеспечить себя дополнительной живучестью Ботик закупаем по ситуации Говорящий с ветром, Багровый призрак и Ярость берсерка я поставил, чтобы обеспечить максимальный Крит. Также придётся играть тактично, понапрасну не агрессировать но это на всех персах так. Из доп навыков мне единственное, что зашло это Вдохновение и Ослабление если брать ослабление, то можно чуть больше агрессировать на линии в начале и не звать на помощь мидера Всё остальные доп. Эмблемы Эмблемы-это дело индивидуальное у каждого свои. Так что выкладывать их не вижу смысла но всё же я использую эмблемы стрелка. Друзья и враги Честно говоря, вспоминал кто контрит Роджера я очень долго и так и никакого контрпика так и не вспомнил. Но могу сказать, что Роджера контрят перефармившие его персонажи логично по-моему , но при равном фарме Роджеру тяжело противостоять. Но Госсен исключение, он с появлением ульты гнобит почти кого угодно.


He was a hunter, rich in experience, and one who hunts for his livelihood. They were a cooperative pack of predators under the control of their leader, White Fang, who also possessed the influence of an evil power that awakened magical abilities within him. To fulfill their hunting needs, the wolf pack gradually started prowling outside the boundaries of the Dark Forest, often attacking travelers on the road.

He was released in 2017 and is considered as a side laner. You may also purchase this hero using Diamonds, in which he will cost you 499 Diamonds. Roger also gets up to 60 points of additional damage for Creeps. This effect lasts for 1. This effect lasts for 5 seconds.

Материалы для взрослых.

They are cooperative pack hunters, and White Tooth also received the influence of an evil power that awakened magical abilities within him. To fulfill their hunting needs, the wolf pack gradually starting prowling outside the boundaries of the dark forest, often attacking travelers on the road. Roger had defeated White Tooth, but the evil power lurking within White Tooth contaminated the hunter.

Роджер в Mobile Legends: гайд 2024, лучшая сборка, как играть

Роджер - это тот персонаж, которому не надо много предметов, для того, чтобы убивать. Достаточно будет Когтей на вампиризм и ботика, и вы уже опасны. В середине игры вам придётся участвовать в каждом замесе, дабы выносить предметы. Также можно заняться фармом леса, но тогда вы оставляете команду без огромного кол-ва урона но в случае, когда противники "гнобили" вас всю игру можно себе позволить пофармить в лесочке чтобы понапрасну не фидить. Именно в средней стадии игры лучше заканчивать. Потому что в лэйте не вы один будите вносить огромный урон под МИД геймом я подразумеваю игру до 15-20минут, всё, что позже-это уже лэйт для вас Поздняя стадия игры лэйт : лэйт для вас самый сложный период, в большинстве случаев в лэйте вам придётся либо заканчивать игру сплитпушем, либо пытаться переиграть вражескую команду. Из зелий чаще всего придётся покупать зелье на защиту так как в моей сборке предметы на защиту почти отсутствуют. В замесах вести себя агрессивно, но при этом аккуратно противоречиво звучит.

To fulfill their hunting needs, the wolf pack gradually starting prowling outside the boundaries of the dark forest, often attacking travelers on the road. Roger had defeated White Tooth, but the evil power lurking within White Tooth contaminated the hunter. He had become a werewolf.

Skill 3 Wolf Transformation can be used to jump over walls for strategic advantages. In team fights, consider using Skill 3 Wolf Transformation in human form to deal additional damage. Roger performs exceptionally well in the late game, so focus on building a strong late-game presence.

Team Synergy: Lastly, coordinate with your team to maximize your impact. Roger works well with heroes who can provide crowd control or set up kills for him. Communicate with your team during team fights and coordinate your abilities to secure objectives and win team fights. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can become a master of Roger in Mobile Legends. Remember to be patient and stay positive, as mastering any hero takes time and experience.

Good luck! Tips to Dominate with Roger in Mobile Legends 2022 If you want to dominate matches with Roger in Mobile Legends 2022, here are some tips and strategies to follow: Mastery of the Hybrid Role: Roger is a unique hero who excels in both ranged and melee combat due to his Wolf Transformation. Mastering when to switch between forms is crucial for maximizing his potential. Use his ranged skills for poke and kiting, and switch to melee form for burst damage and finishing off enemies. Positioning: As a squishy hero, positioning is key for Roger. Stay at the backline during team fights and target priority targets, such as enemy damage dealers or squishy supports. Avoid diving into the frontline alone, as you may get quickly eliminated. Farming Efficiency: To be effective with Roger, you need to farm efficiently.

Aim to last hit minions and jungle monsters to gain gold and experience. Also, prioritize taking jungle creeps whenever possible to level up quickly and gain an advantage over your opponents. Build and Equipment: Opt for a hybrid build that focuses on both attack damage and attack speed. Adjust your build according to the state of the game and the enemy lineup. Map Awareness: Always keep an eye on the minimap and communicate with your teammates. Take advantage of his speed and surprise the enemy team with unexpected rotations. Communicate your plans and objectives to ensure everyone is on the same page. Target Selection: Knowing when and who to target is essential as Roger.

Prioritize squishy targets or low health enemies to quickly eliminate them from the fight. However, be mindful of your own health and positioning, as diving too deep may lead to your own demise.

5 List of the Best Roger Mobile Legends Skins Currently

картинка: ИСТОРИЯ САМЫХ СИЛЬНЫХ ГЕРОЕВ ML ПО ЛОРУ ЧАСТЬ 1. MOBILE LEGENDS BANG BANG/МОБАЙЛ ЛЕГЕНДС. Вся правда о роджере mobile legends. Главная» Новости» Mobile legends новости.


Роджер из Mobile Legends. Роджер из Mobile Legends. Новая мета июля mobile legends кого купить за 32К в mobile legends актуальные герои.

Подробный Гайд НА РОДЖЕРА 2021/ ROGER / Роджер. Покупай и Тащи!Сложный?!Имба?ДА! #mobile legends

Roger had defeated White Tooth, but the evil power lurking within White Tooth contaminated the hunter. He had become a werewolf. To avoid losing his senses while transformed and harming his family, Roger had no choice but to flee far away from his home.

Dying early sets you far behind, so if you die you need to farm jungle minions and wait for opportunities to get yourself back into the lead. Take lane minions if they are at the turret and your laner is not clearing them. Mid game In the mid-game, keep your eyes on the map for skirmishes.

You should have one or two completed items, and you power spike hard with each item you have on Roger. Dive in for squishy, immobile heroes whenever you see an opening in a fight, and then go for tankier ones who you can chase down with passive. Try to poke enemies with skill 1 and basic ranged attacks. Keep an escape ability ready so that you do not die carelessly. Slow down the enemy with skill 1 in human form then dive in and use the skill 1 in wolf form.

If you are against a solo enemy use your Openfire skill first to lower movement speed as well as physical defense of the enemy. After that use your ultimate to towards the enemy to close gap transform into a wolf. Use Bloodthirsty Howl and keep attacking the enemy and if he tries to run away use your lycan Pounce. Effective against tanks Roger is very effective against tanks too because of his ive skills he deals insane damage to low HP heroes and also gains movement speed for chasing and killing. Early Game Farming Roger is weak in early game farming because of his high cooldown skills and Mana consumption skills. So, take a tank with you until you have a level 2 Jungle Item ready. Best thing is to lower their HP with ranged attacks first and then engage with your ultimate and Lycan Pounce.

If you notice, roger runs faster when he is nearby an enemy with low HP. Ultimate: Roger rolls and becomes a human again and gains a shield. Also, he can dash through the wall. You can use the Assassin Emblem. You have to make sure you max out boots for fast rotation. Also, maxed out penetration to deal more damage.

Mobile Legends Roger guide: Best build, skills, emblem, combos

Zerochan has 9 Roger (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!) anime images, wallpapers, HD wallpapers, and many more in its gallery. roger mobile legend He has the special ability to transform into a werewolf. This ability very quickly increases the damage Roger generates while in wolf mode. The 77th hero of Mobile Legends. "GolD Roger" -: $315.12 USD in prize money won from 2 tournaments.

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