Новости безопасность на английском

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Статьи на английском языке информационная безопасность

В эпизодах участвуют: хакеры, аналитики по безопасности, менеджеры по кибербезопасности, багхантеры и многие другие специалисты. ITSPmagazine apple podcast , castbox — про взаимоотношения технологий, кибербезопасности и общества. Подкаст посвящен технологиям и их влиянию на повседневную жизнь — как компаний, так и отдельных людей. CyberCast apple podcast , castbox , RSS — предлагает альтернативный взгляд на проблемы кибербезопасности, с которыми сегодня сталкиваются промышленность и правительство. Risk and Reels: A Cybersecurity Podcast apple podcast , castbox — подкаст киберразговоров для умных людей. Ведущий — Джеффри Уитман, бывший аналитик Gartner. Cybersecurity Unplugged apple podcast , castbox — откровенные беседы с экспертами на переднем крае кибервойны, созданный, чтобы вы всегда были в курсе того, как развивается ландшафт угроз. Здесь освещают широкий круг тем, включая интернет вещей, безопасность приложений, облачные технологии, DevOps. Software Engineering Institute SEI Podcast apple podcast , castbox — подкаст Института программной инженерии SEI о разработке программного обеспечения, кибербезопасности и новых технологиях.

Secure Connections apple podcast , castbox — текущая картина угроз, новейшие передовые инструменты и информирование малого и среднего бизнеса об их важности. RealTime Cyber apple podcast , castbox — о кибербезопасности, национальной безопасности, криптовалюте, IoT и других технологиях. А также об элементах управления кибербезопасностью, платформах кибербезопасности и методах обеспечения безопасности приложений. Здесь говорят об их передовом опыте, будущем отрасли и многом другом. BarCode apple podcast , castbox — подкаст о технологиях, личностях, преступниках и героях, которые определяют современную безопасность. Ведущий Крис Гланден. Cyber Security Sauna apple podcast , castbox , RSS — экспертный подкаст для обсуждения горячих тем и тенденций в области безопасности. Взгляд со стороны атакующих Day[0] apple podcast , castbox , RSS — еженедельный подкаст для багхантеров, разработчиков эксплойтов и всех, кому интересны свежие уязвимости и методы их эксплуатации.

The Hacks apple podcast , castbox — дуэт хакеров рассказывает про кибербезопасность, DevSecOps, SecOps, DevOps, автоматизацию инфраструктуры, сетевую автоматизацию и открытый исходный код. The Hacker Factory apple podcast , castbox — Филипп Уайли и его гости обсуждают и раскрывают «секреты» профессионального хакерства — таинственного, интригующего и часто неправильно понимаемого занятия. Black Hills Information Security apple podcast , castbox — каждую неделю команда пентестеров рассказывает о последних атаках, взломах, их причинах и следствиях.

To avoid this many things can be done. First, you can store all the personal information, not wanted to be accessed by unknown eyes, on a separate floppy disk or other storage object you might have. You can also buy a firewall from your local computer store to allow you to choose who does and does not access your computer.

Although, your personal information should be concealed from the internet, it is not the most dangerous thing out there. Young children should be monitored at all times when accessing the internet.

Early this morning a dense pall of smoke hung over the warehouses while firemen continued to damp down the still-smouldering debris. Arthur Peel, damage was "difficult to estimate at this stage". Fred Banks, who is responsible for bonfire-night safety measures in the district, said that he thought the fire was "very unfortunate".

The organizers had consulted him about the safety of the site, and he had approved it, "provided the bonfire itself was kept in the centre of the site, and that only wood was burnt on it. There had also been reports that rival gangs of youths had been seen throwing fireworks at each other near fhe warehouses, and this might also have had something to do with the fire starting. Asked about the advisability of allowing a fire at all so near to buildings, Mr. Banks pointed out that there was no other open space available, and that the risk involved was negligible — given that fhe safety regulations would be "strictly observed". Ron Green, denied that anyone had put paper on fhe bonfire.

Green, 43, said that all the safety precautions suggested by the fire-brigade had been carried out in full — "We were well aware of the danger to the warehouses if these were not observed," he added. The wind, in his opinion, had been the cause of the fire spreading. It had been "unexpectedly strong", and in spite of efforts by himself and his helpers some sparks had been blown on to the warehouse roofs. When asked if he thought it was wise to go on using events in which there was an element of danger — such as bonfires — to raise money for charity, Mr. Green said that he could see no harm in it provided that fhe organizers took proper precautions.

В тушении этого крупнейшего в этой части Кента пожара за последние более чем пять лет, принимало участие одновременно десять пожарных машин. Сильный ветер препятствовал проведению операции и сперва возникли опасения, что искры могут перекинуться на другие склады, расположенные неподалеку, из которых один — лакокрасочный склад — мог бы взорваться. Но пожарным удалось ограничить распространение огня до складов, содержащих менее легковоспламеняющиеся материалы. После обработки ран в местной больнице пострадавшие были отпущены домой, но один из пожарных оставлен для обследования. Сегодня рано утром плотная дымовая завеса все еще покрывала склады, а пожарные продолжали тушить все еще тлеющие развалины. Ущерб По словам владельца складов, местного торговца недвижимостью мистера Артура Пила, "на данной стадии ущерб оценить трудно". Шеф Пакстонской пожарной бригады, давший интервью прошлой ночью на месте происшествия, 42-летний мистер Фред Банкс, ответственный за меры противопожарной безопасности в районе проводившегося ночного благотворительного костра сказал, что, по его мнению, оно было "очень несчастливым". Владельцы складов консультировались с ним по поводу мер противопожарной безопасности складов, и он их одобрил, "при условии, что сам костер будет расположен в центре площадки, использоваться будут только дрова".

Однако, по-видимому, кое-кто подбросил в огонь бумагу, и сильный ветер разнес его до ближайших складов. Поступили также сообщения о том, что поблизости от складов были замечены враждующие банды молодежи, швырявшиеся друг в друга фейерверками, и это тоже может каким-то образом быть связано с возникновением пожара. На вопрос о целесообразности разрешения зажигать огонь в непосредственной близости от строений, мистер Бэнкс указал, что не было другого открытого места, и что риск, при условии "строгого соблюдения" правил техники безопасности, был незначителен. Организатор благотворительного костра, местный бизнесмен мистер Рон Грин, отрицал высказанное шефом пожарных заявление о том, что кто-либо бросал бумагу в огонь. Ветер, по его мнению, явился причиной распространения огня.

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Парламентариев особенно беспокоит безопасность представителей сексуальных меньшинств (ЛГБТ), а также темнокожих и азиатов. По данным английских парламентариев, на мундиаль в Россию приедут около 10 тыс. футбольных фанатов из Великобритании. В английском языке вы можете услышать слово “Security” в отношении людей, занимающихся охраной конкретного места. Top stories in the U.S. and world news, politics, health, science, business, music, arts and culture. Nonprofit journalism with a mission. This is NPR. News, analysis and opinion from the Financial Times on the latest in markets, economics and politics. The Internet is a huge part of many people's everyday lives. It's fun, useful, and informative, but can also be dangerous, no matter how safe you feel while browsing. By getting into the habit of using good Internet safety practices, you.

What Is Information Security? Goals, Types and Applications

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Новейшие технологии, лучшие практики, опыт профессионалов. Дайджест СМИ. Исследования рынка и средств маркетинговой коммуникации, включая отраслевую прессу.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the methodology for assessing the risk of exposure of a technosphere object to the atmosphere. It was assumed that the enterprise in emergency mode emits pollutants through the source of emissions at the maximum single concentration of the substance exceeding the maximum permissible concentration.

To calculate the impact on a human, various scenarios of an emergency situation are taken into account. These are constructing failure trees and using well-known health risk assessment techniques. The calculation took into account the wind rose for a specific enterprise location and wind speed projections obeying the normal distribution law. These assumptions allowed us to develop a method for calculating the risk of exceeding the concentration of a pollutant at a given point x, y during the year.

Вот почему мы никогда не испытываем насыщения. В отличие от чтения книг и длинных журнальных статей над которыми приходится размышлять , мы можем проглотить огромное количество пустых новостей. News is irrelevant. Out of the approximately 10,000 news stories you have read in the last 12 months, name one that — because you consumed it — allowed you to make a better decision about a serious matter affecting your life, your career or your business.

The point is: the consumption of news is irrelevant to you. The relevant versus the new is the fundamental battle of the current age. Media organisations want you to believe that news offers you some sort of a competitive advantage. Many fall for that.

In reality, news consumption is a competitive disadvantage. The less news you consume, the bigger the advantage you have. Новости не имеют значения Примерно из 10 000 историй, которые вы прочитали в последние 12 месяцев, назовите одну, которая позволила вам принять лучшее решение в серьезном деле, влияющем на вашу жизнь, вашу карьеру, или ваш бизнес. Потребление новостей не имеет отношения к вам.

На самом деле, потребление новостей — это конкурентный недостаток. Чем меньше вы потребляете новостей, тем больше у вас преимуществ. News has no explanatory power. News items are bubbles popping on the surface of a deeper world.

Will accumulating facts help you understand the world? Sadly, no. The relationship is inverted. The more «news factoids» you digest, the less of the big picture you will understand.

Новости ничего не объясняют Новости — как пузырьки на поверхности большого мира. Разве обработка несущественных фактов поможет вам понять мир? Чем больше фрагметов новостей вы поглотите, тем меньшую картину мира для себя составите. Если бы большее количество кусков информации приводило к экономическому успеху, то журналисты были бы на верху пирамиды.

Но не в нашем случае. News is toxic to your body. It constantly triggers the limbic system. Panicky stories spur the release of cascades of glucocorticoid cortisol.

This deregulates your immune system and inhibits the release of growth hormones. In other words, your body finds itself in a state of chronic stress. High glucocorticoid levels cause impaired digestion, lack of growth cell, hair, bone , nervousness and susceptibility to infections. The other potential side-effects include fear, aggression, tunnel-vision and desensitisation.

Новости токсичны для вашего организма Они постоянно действуют на лимбическую систему. Панические истории стимулируют образование глюкокортикоидов кортизола. Это приводит в беспорядок вашу иммунную систему. Ваш организм оказывается в состоянии хронического стресса.

Другие возможные побочные эффекты включают страх, агрессию и потерю чувствительности, проблемы с ростом клеток волос, костей, неустойчивость к инфекциям. News increases cognitive errors. News feeds the mother of all cognitive errors: confirmation bias. In the words of Warren Buffett: «What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact.

Studies aimed at developing methods for investigating the impact of industrial facilities on the air is of interest. The purpose of this work is to analyze the methodology for assessing the risk of exposure of a technosphere object to the atmosphere. It was assumed that the enterprise in emergency mode emits pollutants through the source of emissions at the maximum single concentration of the substance exceeding the maximum permissible concentration. To calculate the impact on a human, various scenarios of an emergency situation are taken into account. These are constructing failure trees and using well-known health risk assessment techniques. The calculation took into account the wind rose for a specific enterprise location and wind speed projections obeying the normal distribution law.

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Проведение профилактических инструктажей по правилам безопасности со школьниками в преддверье летних каникул - обычное дело в любом образовательном учреждении. Омска подошли к этому рядовому мероприятию творчески: учащиеся 4 класса А под руководством учителя начальных классов Терешкиной О. Юные спасатели показывали сценические миниатюры о поведении людей дома, на улице и на природе, демонстрируя при этом свое актерское мастерство и отличное владение английским языком. Ребята исполняли песни и читали стихи, при этом основные правила повторялись на русском языке, вдобавок использовались яркие иллюстрации и знаки безопасности.

Ash and slag wastes are the source of negative impact on the environment. This area is studied by a number of researchers. The article aims to systematize the data on possible applications, accumulated practical experience of using ash and slag waste in agriculture both in Russia and abroad.

The analysis showed that waste from the fuel and energy industry can be widely used in various areas of agriculture. It can be used as ameliorants, zeolite-based mineral fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides for treating horticultural crops, microfertilizers, as well as for soil remediation and land reclamation. The use of ash and slag waste in agriculture and other sectors of the national economy can reduce the ecological load on the environment.

Availability — information must remain accessible to authorized parties, even during failures with minimal or no disruption. Ideally, information security policies should seamlessly integrate all three principles of the CIA triad. Together, the three principles should guide organizations while assessing new technologies and scenarios.

Types of Information Security When considering information security, there are many subtypes that you should know. These subtypes cover specific types of information, tools used to protect information and domains where information needs protection. Application security Application security strategies protect applications and application programming interfaces APIs.

You can use these strategies to prevent, detect and correct bugs or other vulnerabilities in your applications. If not secured, application and API vulnerabilities can provide a gateway to your broader systems, putting your information at risk. Much of application security is based on specialized tools for application shielding, scanning and testing.

These tools can help you identify vulnerabilities in applications and surrounding components. Once found, you can correct these vulnerabilities before applications are released or vulnerabilities are exploited. Application security applies to both applications you are using and those you may be developing since both need to be secured.

Infrastructure security Infrastructure security strategies protect infrastructure components, including networks, servers, client devices, mobile devices, and data centers. The growing connectivity between these, and other infrastructure components, puts information at risk without proper precautions. This risk is because connectivity extends vulnerabilities across your systems.

If one part of your infrastructure fails or is compromised, all dependent components are also affected. Due to this, an important goal of infrastructure security is to minimize dependencies and isolate components while still allowing intercommunications. Cloud security Cloud security provides similar protections to application and infrastructure security but is focused on cloud or cloud-connected components and information.

Cloud security adds extra protections and tools to focus on the vulnerabilities that come from Internet-facing services and shared environments, such as public clouds. It also tends to include a focus on centralizing security management and tooling. This centralization enables security teams to maintain visibility of information and information threats across distributed resources.

Another aspect of cloud security is a collaboration with your cloud provider or third-party services. When using cloud-hosted resources and applications, you are often unable to fully control your environments since the infrastructure is typically managed for you. This means that cloud security practices must account for restricted control and put measures in place to limit accessibility and vulnerabilities stemming from contractors or vendors.

Endpoint Security Endpoint security helps protect end-user endpoints such as laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets against cyberattacks. Organizations implement endpoint security to protect devices used for work purposes, including those connected to a local network and those using cloud resources. Endpoints connecting to corporate networks become a security vulnerability that can potentially allow malicious actors to breach the network.

An endpoint is essentially a potential entry point that cybercriminals can and often exploit through various techniques, like malicious software malware installed on an endpoint device to obtain control of a system or exfiltrate data. An endpoint security solution examines processes, files, and network traffic on each endpoint for indicators of malicious activity. Once the tool detects a threat, it notifies the relevant users and can perform automated responses.

For example, an endpoint detection and response EDR tool can automatically respond to the threat using predetermined rules. Endpoint security solutions can employ additional strategies to protect endpoints, such as data encryption in transit and at rest, web content filtering, and application control. Related content: Learn more in the detailed guide to endpoint security Edge Security In an increasingly connected world, edge security is becoming more important.

Edge security refers to the measures taken to secure the edge of your network—the point where your network connects with the outside world. This could include your routers, firewalls, or other edge devices. Securing the network edge is crucial to prevent unauthorized access to your network and protect it from threats like cyber attacks or data breaches.

This could involve measures like using secure network protocols, implementing robust firewalls, and regularly monitoring and analyzing your network traffic. Learn more in the detailed guide to edge security Cryptography Cryptography uses a practice called encryption to secure information by obscuring the contents. When information is encrypted, it is only accessible to users who have the correct encryption key.

If users do not have this key, the information is unintelligible. Security teams can use encryption to protect information confidentiality and integrity throughout its life, including in storage and during transfer. However, once a user decrypts the data, it is vulnerable to theft, exposure, or modification.

To encrypt information, security teams use tools such as encryption algorithms or technologies like blockchain. Encryption algorithms, like the advanced encryption standard AES , are more common since there is more support for these tools and less overhead for use. Incident response Incident response is a set of procedures and tools that you can use to identify, investigate, and respond to threats or damaging events.

It eliminates or reduces damage caused to systems due to attacks, natural disasters, system failures, or human error. This damage includes any harm caused to information, such as loss or theft. A commonly used tool for incident response is an incident response plan IRP.

IRPs outline the roles and responsibilities for responding to incidents. These plans also inform security policy, provide guidelines or procedures for action, and help ensure that insight gained from incidents is used to improve protective measures. Vulnerability management Vulnerability management is a practice meant to reduce inherent risks in an application or system.

The idea behind this practice is to discover and patch vulnerabilities before issues are exposed or exploited. The fewer vulnerabilities a component or system has, the more secure your information and resources are. Vulnerability management practices rely on testing, auditing, and scanning to detect issues.

These processes are often automated to ensure that components are evaluated to a specific standard and to ensure vulnerabilities are uncovered as quickly as possible. Another method that you can use is threat hunting , which involves investigating systems in real-time to identify signs of threats or to locate potential vulnerabilities. Learn more in the detailed guide to vulnerability assessment Disaster recovery Disaster recovery strategies protect your organization from loss or damage due to unforeseen events.

For example, ransomware, natural disasters, or single points of failure. Disaster recovery strategies typically account for how you can recover information, how you can restore systems, and how you can resume operations. These strategies are often part of a business continuity management BCM plan, designed to enable organizations to maintain operations with minimal downtime.

Close unused accounts Over the years, many of us accumulate old accounts that we no longer use. These can be a weak link in terms of safety when using the internet — not only are old accounts more likely to have weaker passwords, but some of those sites may have poor data protection policies. In addition, cybercriminals could piece together the information you have left in them, for example, old social media profiles — such as your date of birth or location, etc. As a result, we recommend closing your old online accounts and requesting that your data be deleted from the relevant third-party servers. Malware might be disguised as an app — anything from a popular game to something that checks traffic or the weather. Or, it could be hidden on a malicious website that attempts to install malware on your device.

Malware causes damage — such as disrupting how your device operates, stealing your personal data or allowing unauthorized access to your machine. This usually requires some action on your part, but there are also drive-by downloads , where a website attempts to install software on your computer without asking for permission first. Think carefully before visiting a new website or downloading anything onto your device, and only download content from trusted or official sources. Regularly check your download folders and if unknown files appear on your system potentially, from a drive-by , delete them immediately. Be careful what you post and where The internet does not have a delete key. Similarly, be careful about disclosing personal information about yourself online.

For example, avoid disclosing your social security number, address or date of birth in social media bios. Be careful about where you display or submit your email address. Be careful who you meet online People you meet online are not always who they claim to be. Indeed, they may not even be real. Fake social media profiles are a popular way for hackers to groom unwary internet users and pick their cyber pockets. Apply the same caution in your online social life as you would for your in-person social life.

This is particularly true with the rise of online dating scams in recent years. Double check online information Sadly, fake news, misinformation and disinformation are all present on the internet. If you read something you are unsure of, do your own research to establish the facts.

Top 15 internet safety rules and what not to do online

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We are your main gateway to all things Russian, be it culture, travel, education, learning the language, ways to do business, and much more. is your online source for the latest world news stories and current events, ensuring our readers up to date with any breaking news developments. интернет-портал о безопасности, защите и охране. EURASIP Journal on Information Security is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on the use of signal processing tools to enhance information. To ensure the stability and well-being of Member States through mutual cooperation, in order to maximise regional security in preserving the social and economic development of our people.

Internet Safety Posters

Some of these hackers can get personal information off of your computer such as phone numbers, full names, credit card numbers, home addresses, personal letters, and much, much more. To avoid this many things can be done. First, you can store all the personal information, not wanted to be accessed by unknown eyes, on a separate floppy disk or other storage object you might have. You can also buy a firewall from your local computer store to allow you to choose who does and does not access your computer. Although, your personal information should be concealed from the internet, it is not the most dangerous thing out there.

Disgraced ex-NY Gov. April 27, 2024 1:02am The man was pronounced dead at the scene. Peter Meijer R-Mich.

Блог участника судебных процессов в качестве эксперта по вопросам кибербезопасности и защиты информации. Публикуются еженедельные обзоры всего самого интересного в мире кибербезопасности, новости об изменениях в нормативно-правовых актах. В журнале публикуются технические обозрения, тесты новых продуктов, а также описания комплексных интегрированных решений, внедренных на российских предприятиях и в государственных органах.

На сайте есть «База знаний», где можно найти нормативные документы, программное обеспечение, книги, ссылки на интересные ресурсы. Интернет-портал ISO27000. RU — это площадка для общения специалистов по ИБ. Есть тематический каталог ссылок на ресурсы по информационной безопасности и защите информации. You-tube каналы Публикуются как видео для обычных пользователей, так и видео для профессионалов с разбором конкретных кейсов. Канал интернет-телекомпании BIS TV специализируется на информационной безопасности банков, кредитных организаций и платёжных систем.

Во многих отношениях Институт Эсален заработал репутацию среди культурных и привилегированных слоев западного общества и использовал свои ноу-хау для налаживания связей через «железный занавес». Данный доклад дает представление о том, как посредством переговоров по линии «второго» и «полуторного треков» Институт Эсален инициировал и поддерживал некоторые американо-советские связи.

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