Новости идан амеди фауда

Idan Amedi joined defense duties in Israel in OctoberIdan Amedione of the actors of Fauda, who joined the defense tasks of the Israeli Army to combat the. По состоянию на день, 9 января, состояние раненого в ходе боевых действий в Газе актера сериала "Фауда" Идана Амеди значительно улучшилось. Idan Amedi, an Israeli singer, songwriter and actor, got grievously injured in a battle between the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) and the Hamas terrorists in Gaza's Khan Younis.

Израильский певец и актер Идан Амеди сильно пострадал в секторе Газа

Singer and soldier Idan Amedi, who has appeared in 36 episodes of the hit Israeli TV show Fauda, was airlifted to an Israeli hospital on Monday. Israeli actor and singer Isan Amedi, best known for his role in the hit Netflix series Fauda, got badly injured while he was fighting for his nation against Hamas. Israeli actor Idan Amedi, best known for starring in the hit Netflix show 'Fauda,' recounted to reporters on Thursday his experience fighting in Gaza and the blast that had him hospitalized for over two weeks. The actor, Idan Amedi, underwent surgery to remove shrapnel from his body and was expected to recover, Israeli news media reported. Известный певец и актер, игравший одного из героев сериала «Фауда» Идан Амеди был тяжело ранен во время боевых действий в качестве резервиста ЦАХАЛа в центральной части сектора Газа и 8 января был доставлен по воздуху в больницу.

'Fauda' actor Idan Amedi seriously injured in Gaza

An explosion left him unconscious for days, with shrapnel in his eye sockets, jaw and neck. Amedi was initially scheduled to hold a press conference on Monday to answer questions about his rehabilitation and future plans. However, the presser was canceled after the Israel Defense Forces announced that three soldiers had been killed during fighting in the southern Gaza Strip.

The singer placed second in the 2010 season of talent show Kachav Nolad, kickstarting a prolific musical career. Listening to Kurdish music from a young age, he ends each concert with a Kurdish song in homage to his roots. The singer says he hopes to perform one day in Amedi. His musical success landed him the role playing Sagi in Fauda, a popular series centered on a covert Israeli intelligence unit operating in the West Bank and Gaza.

Idan Amedi had earlier shared this picture on his Instagram account.

Amedi, who also has a significant following on YouTube, joined the IDF after the outbreak of hostilities initiated by Hamas on October 7. Want a Loan?

Представитель Северной Кореи продолжил нападки во время своего выступления на Генеральной ассамблее во вторник, осудив США и Южную Корею за их недавние совместные военные операции вокруг Корейского полуострова. Канада Председатель канадской делегации Роберт Рэй во время своего выступления уделил большое внимание изменению климата, призывая других членов ООН выполнить свой «общий» долг по оказанию помощи в «зеленой трансформации». Далее он заявил, что права ЛГБТ являются «основополагающими» для Канады, активно выступая в защиту трансгендеров и людей с «двумя духами», среди прочих. Рэй также не стал обсуждать размолвку Канады с Индией. Канада обвинила Индию в убийстве сикхского религиозного активиста на канадской земле, но Индия это утверждение отвергла.

Звезда сериала «Фауда» про израильский спецназ тяжело ранен в Газе

Idan Amedi, 35, was airlifted to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer on Monday after being hit with shrapnel, his father told the Israeli outlet Walla. The actor, Idan Amedi, underwent surgery to remove shrapnel from his body and was expected to recover, Israeli news media reported. israeli actor idan amedi, known for his role as sagi tzur in the television series 'fauda,' joined the israeli defence force to serve his nation on the field as the country is embroiled in a bloody war with hamas terrorists.

Israel's Idan Amedi, Star in 'Fauda,' Recovers from Real War Wounds

Idan Amedi, an Israeli actor in the Netflix show “Fauda," has been injured while fighting against terrorists in the Gaza Strip, according to local reports. Idan Amedi, a prominent actor in the popular web series ' Fauda ' on OTT platform Netflix and a renowned singer in Israel, has sustained serious injuries while fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza as a reservist in the Israel Defense Forces' counter-terrorism unit. В своём «Instagram» Идана Амеди опубликовано видео, где перед уничтожением одного из объектов террористов, израильский военнослужащий поясняет, что сейчас этим взрывом почтит память погибших соотечественников и однополчан. Idan Amedi, an Israeli singer, songwriter and actor, got grievously injured in a battle between the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) and the Hamas terrorists in Gaza's Khan Younis.

Звезда сериала «Фауда» про израильский спецназ тяжело ранен в Газе

После всемирного успеха сериала Амеди получил сообщение от курдского телеканала «Rudaw TV», в котором говорилось, что они хотели бы сделать получасовое интервью с ним как израильским актером с курдскими корнями, после того как его фамилию заметили в списках актеров сериала. Интервьюеры расспрашивали Амеди о его актерской и певческой карьере, а также о его семейных корнях.

He has occasionally sent video messages to his fans and the media from inside the Gaza Strip, in one instance remotely blowing up a multi-story building in memory of friends of his who died in the fighting. In another message, Amedi asked his fellow Israelis to quit infighting and politicking during wartime. The people of Israel live. We recommend to read:.

Unofficial reports on social media that have been circulating for hours said he was seriously injured while fighting in an IDF counterterrorism operation. Amedi was wounded from shrapnel and was flown from Gaza to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer, where he was sedated and is undergoing treatment for his injuries, which are serious but not life-threatening, according to a report on Keshet 12 News. Asked about what he was doing, he said, "What was built here is crazy, crazy," referring to the tunnels. He said that he and his fellow soldiers had been busy destroying the tunnels and had discovered many weapons in the sophisticated underground network.

In another message, Amedi asked his fellow Israelis to quit infighting and politicking during wartime. The people of Israel live. We recommend to read:.

В Секторе Газа серьезно ранен звезда «Фауды» Идан Амеди

Israeli actor-singer-songwriter Idan Amedi recounted his experience of fighting in Gaza and the blast that left him hospitalized for over two weeks. Позитивные новости из больницы "Шиба": известный израильский певец и актер Идан Амеди, с 7 октября участвующий в военных действиях в секторе Газы и получивший накануне тяжелые ранения в бою с террористами, пришел в себя. Idan Amedi spoke to Rudaw's Hevidar Zana on his career as a singer and actor, as well as his Kurdish roots.

Звезда серила Фауда Идан Амеди был ранен в Газе

АиФ-Москва. Израильский певец и актер Идан Амеди, снимавшийся в сериале «Фауда», получил серьезные ранения в секторе Газа. По состоянию на день, 9 января, состояние раненого в ходе боевых действий в Газе актера сериала "Фауда" Идана Амеди значительно улучшилось. Fauda's Idan Amedi: "I will come back to sing and act, and with God's help, I will also return to fight for my country.". Idan Amedi, an Israeli singer-songwriter and actor best known for playing Sagi Tzur, a new undercover operative for the Israel Defense Force, in the immensely popular television action series ‘Fauda’, has joined Israel’s active combat force to serve his nation on the field against the Hama terrorist attack.

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