Новости фразы на немецком гитлера

Die große Zeit ist jetzt angebrochen. Deutschland ist nun erwacht. Die Macht haben wir nun in Deutschland gewonnen, nun gilt es das deutsche Volk zu gewinnen. Ich weiß, obwohl die hundert tausenden von euch die ihr jetzt zuhört in ganz Deutschland das in hundertausenden von euch in. Главная» Новости» Выступления адольфа гитлера. Нацисты требовали от жителей Германии произносить нацистское приветствие[6][7]. Но, по мнению свидетелей Иеговы, произносить выражение «Heil Hitler!» означало бы выражать упование на то, что спасение придёт от Гитлера. Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит. Адольф Гитлер — немецкий политик и оратор, основоположник и центральная фигура.

Известные цитаты Гитлера (100 цитат)

Речь 26. В первую очередь мы думаем о благе нашего народа. Речь 02. Речь 13. Речь 18. Нашему народу нужны руководители, обладающие решимостью делать все, что они сочтут правильным перед Богом, миром и собственной совестью. Речь 27.

Речь 20. Эта организация будет построена на идее авторитета, идее руководства снизу доверху. Только такая организация может служить интересам всего народа. Речь 06. Прокламация 01. Речь 16.

Второе: Решение тяжелейшей социальной проблемы путем возвращения миллионной армии наших, достойных всяческого сочувствия, безработных обратно на производство. Третье: Восстановление стабильного и авторитетного государственного руководства, опирающегося на доверие и волю нации; руководства, которое снова вернет нашему великому народу способность выполнять свои обязательства перед миром. Речь 17. Наша национальная гордость заключается не в том, чтобы презирать других, а в том, чтобы уважать и любить свой народ! Речь 01. Речь 24.

Он неуклонно и в первую очередь будет думать о соблюдении интересов народа в вопросах мира, работы и культуры. Я был солдатом и видел все собственными глазами, в отличие от очень многих других государственных деятелей, которые сами этого никогда не переживали. И я, разумеется, отвергаю войну. Но отвергаю я ее не как изменник, предатель и трус, а как порядочный немец, честно выполнивший свой воинский долг на фронте, и желающий оставаться порядочным до конца. Поэтому я в равной мере не оставлю на произвол судьбы ни права немецкого народа на жизнь, ни его права на честь. Эти люди — повсюду, но нигде они не дома.

Речь 10. Также и народом являются только те, кто способен, если потребуется, выступить как единый народ навстречу любым испытаниям. Я создал … совершенно новое движение. Движение, которое с самого своего зарождения и вопреки всем явлениям распада в окружавшей его действительности вновь созидало народную общность. Лишь в этом случае государство способно полноценно выполнять свои социальные обязательства. Истинную ценность любому движению придают только люди.

Люди, которые, руководствуясь смыслом этого движения, воплощают его идеи в жизнь. Речь 07.

Тем более, что в здании Главного штаба ВМФ Германии сотрудниками советской разведки были найдены карты с указанием лоций прохождения специальным конвоем фюрера, состоящим из подводных лодок, подводных пещер под Землей Королевы Мод у побережья Антарктиды. Конечной целью путешествия значилась обратная сторона Земли. На картах были даже отмечены континенты этой загадочной страны. Масла в огонь подлили показания задержанного СМЕРШем 22 сентября 1945 года адъютанта командующего 21-й подводной флотилией, входившей в конвой фюрера — капитана-лейтенанта Вернера Брауна. Мужчина подтвердил наличие в Антарктиде секретной немецкой базы.

История править Нацистское приветствие является вариантом так называемого « римского салюта » — приветственного жеста итальянских фашистов , позже заимствованного национал-социалистами [2]. Отличие двух салютов заключается в том, что при римском салюте рука идёт к приветственному жесту от сердца, в то время как в нацистском приветствии она идёт сразу вверх от любого положения руки [3] [4]. Гитлер приветствует марширующих штурмовиков Группа нацистских лидеров. Как официальное название часто использовался термин «немецкое приветствие». До этого оно было факультативным, и большинство военных использовало стандартное воинское приветствие , употребляя гитлеровское приветствие только в ответ на такое же обращение со стороны чинов партии или СС. Зиг хайль!

In short, he created a principle, the principle of work. Life would not have been possible without it. Although work was still simple, it had already to be planned beforehand and each individual knew that if he has not done his part, he will die of hunger in the coming winter. At the same time another development followed — the terrible hardship became a means for breeding of a race. Whoever was weak or sickly could not survive the terrible winter period and died prematurely. What remained was a race of strong and healthy giants. Yet another trait of this race was born. Where man is externally muzzled, where his radius of action is limited, he begins to develop internally. Externally limited, internally he becomes unlimited. The more man, due to external forces, must depend on himself, the deeper internal life he develops and the more he turns inward. These three achievements: The recognized principle of work as a duty, the necessity, not only out of egoism but for preservation of the whole group of people — a small clan; second — the necessity of bodily health and thereby also of normal mental health; and third — the deep spiritual life. All these gave the northern races the ability to go to the world and build states. If this power could not find its full expression in the high North, it became apparent when the ice shackles fell and man turned south to the happier, freer nature. We know that all these northern peoples had one symbol in common — the symbol of the Sun. You will find this cross as a Hakenkreuz as far as India and Japan, carved in the temple pillars. It is the Swastika, which was once a sign of established communities of Aryan Culture. Those races, today called Aryans, created all the great cultures of the ancient world. We know that Egypt was brought upon its high cultural level by Aryan immigrants. Similarly, Persia and Greece; the immigrants were blond, blue eyed Aryans. And we know that outside of these Aryan states no civilized states have been founded. There emerged mixed races between the black, dark eyed and dark colored, southern races and the immigrants, but they failed to create any large, creative culture states. Why is it that only Aryans possessed the ability to create states? It was due, almost exclusively, to their attitude toward work. Those races which, as the first, stopped seeing work as the result of coercion and saw it rather as a necessity born out of hundreds of thousands of years of hardship, had to become superior to other people. And, besides, it was work that made people come together and divide the work among them. We know that the moment the individual work to sustain oneself turned into work within communities, the community tended to assign a particular work to those particularly talented, and with increasing division of work it became necessary for still greater joining together into still bigger groups. So, it is work which created kinships at first, later tribes, and still later, led to the creation of states. If we see, as the first prerequisite for creating states, the conception of work as social duty, so the second necessary ingredient is racial health and purity. And nothing helped the northern conquerors more against the lazy and rotten southern races than the refined strength of their race. States would remain an empty vessel if not decorated with that which we normally call culture. If we removed everything and kept just railways, ships, etc. The moment their great, inborn imagination could act in great, free areas, it created everywhere immortal works. We see this process repeated continuously even in the smallest scale. Similarly, we know that great minds are often born at the bottom of society, unable to develop there but, given an opportunity, they begin to grow and become leaders in arts, sciences, and also in politics. We know today that there are extensive interrelations between the state, nation, culture, art and work and it would be madness to think that any of them could exist independently of the others. Let us take art — considered as an international domain — and we shall see that it is unconditionally dependent on the state. Art blossomed in those areas where the political development made it possible. The art of Greece reached its highest level when the young state had triumphed over invading Persian armies. Construction of the Acropolis began at that time. Rome became the city of art after the end of the Punic Wars, and Germany built her cathedrals, as in Worms, Speyer and Limburg, when the German Empire under Salians had achieved its greatest triumphs. We can follow this connection to our time. We know that art, for example the beauty of German towns, always depended on political development of these towns; that it was political considerations which moved Napoleon III to regulating of the Boulevards and Friedrich the Great to establishing Unter den Linden. Similarly in Munich where it was obvious that the city could not become an industrial center and so art was chosen to elevate the rank of the city, which now everyone who wants to get to know Germany must visit. The case was similar with other arts. The moment the small, powerless statelets began to unite into one state, then also one German art, proud of itself, began to grow. The works of Richard Wagner appeared in the period when shame and powerlessness were replaced by a unified, great German Reich. And so, not just art is dependent on the state, on the politics of the state; the same is the case with work itself because only a sound state is in the position to give the opportunity of working to its citizens and let them use their talents. The opposite is the case with the race in relation to everything else. A state with a rotten, sick and unsound race will never produce great works of art or make great politics, or at least bask in abundance. Each of these factors depends on the others. And only when all of them complement each other, can we say: There is harmony in the state, the way we Germanics understand it. Can the Jew build a state? Now we have to ask ourselves the question: How about the Jew as a state builder? Does the Jew possess the power to create a state? First we must examine his attitude to work, find out how he perceives the principle of work, and excuse me if I now take a book called The Bible. I am not claiming that all its contents are necessarily true, as we know that Jewry was very liberal in writing it. One thing, however, is certain: it has not been written by an antisemite. Laughter It is very important because no antisemite would have been able to write a more terrible indictment against the Jewish race than the Bible, the Old Testament. Ladies and Gentlemen! Already here we see that the whole world lies between us; we could never conceive of work as a punishment — otherwise we would all have been convicts. We do not want to conceive of work as punishment. I must confess: I would not have been able to exist without work, and hundreds of thousands and millions would have been able to withstand perhaps 3 or 5 days, maybe even 10, but not 90 or 100 days without any activity. If Paradise really existed, the Land of Plenty, then our people would have been unhappy in it. Calls: Hear, hear We Germans seek constantly a possibility to do something and if we cannot find anything, at least from time to time we hit one another in the face. Laughter We are unable to bear absolute rest. Thus we see, already here, a big difference. Because a Jew has written this, true or not is unimportant because it still reflects the opinion which Jewry has about work. For them work is not an obvious ethical duty but at most a means to sustenance. In our eyes, this is not work because in this case any activity serving self-preservation, without regard to fellow men, might be called work. And we know that this work, in the past, consisted of plundering of caravans, and today in planned plundering of indebted farmers, industrialists and workers. The form has changed but the principle is the same. We do not call it work, but robbery. Calls: Hear, hear When already such a basic notion separates us, here comes another. I have already explained that in the long period in the North the races became purified. This means that all the inferior and weak gradually died out and only the soundest remained. Also, here the Jew differs from us because he has not become purified but instead practiced inbreeding; he multiplied greatly but only in narrow circles, and without selection. And therefore we see a generation which is plagued by defects caused by inbreeding. Finally, the Jew does not possess the third factor: The inner spiritual life. I do not need to explain here what a Jew generally looks like. You all know him. Laughter You know his constant restlessness that never gives him a possibility to concentrate and have a spiritual experience. In the most solemn moments he flickers his eyes and one can see that even during the most beautiful opera he is calculating dividends. Laughter The Jew has never had his own art. Hear, hear His own temple has been built by foreign builders: The first was the Assyrians, and for the building of the second — the Roman artists. He has not left anything which might be called art, no buildings, nothing. We shall not conceal that today he has many famous conductors whose fame he can thank the well-organized Jewish Press for. Laughter When a nation does not possess these three traits, it is not able to create states. And that is true because throughout centuries the Jew was always a nomad. He has never had what we might call a state. On the one side, there was always a great chasm between the tribes of Judah and Caleb and the northern Israeli tribes, and only David, for the first time, succeeded in gradually bridging the chasm through the unitary cult of Yahweh. We know precisely that this cult has at a very late time chosen for itself Jerusalem as its sole seat. Only from that moment have the Jewish people gotten a center, like Berlin or New York or Warsaw today. Because a people which does not want to work — the often hard work of building and maintaining a state — to work in mines, factories, in construction etc.

Цитаты гитлера на немецком с переводом. Немецкие крылатые выражения в русском языке

В заключение, несмотря на то что фразы Гитлера на немецком являются частью истории, их использование должно быть осознанным и ответственным. Опозорили Германию перед всем миром. О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Die große Zeit ist jetzt angebrochen. Deutschland ist nun erwacht. Die Macht haben wir nun in Deutschland gewonnen, nun gilt es das deutsche Volk zu gewinnen. Ich weiß, obwohl die hundert tausenden von euch die ihr jetzt zuhört in ganz Deutschland das in hundertausenden von euch in. This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (February 2011).

Цитаты адольфа гитлера на немецком с переводом

О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Выступая перед делегатами Рейхстага Германии 20 февраля, я впервые огласил требования, основанные на непререкаемом принципе. I would like to find all Hitler speeches in original German, but the more I look, the less I find. Sure there are a few here and there, but his complete speeches in German are nowhere to find. I did find a full text on , (linked to also in this answer) but sadly that is only in English. Also the search. Немецкий является языком оригинала многих из нижеприведенных цитат, потому что среди немцев было много великих людей.

Adolf Hitler Issues Comment on the "Jewish Question"

Это делается быстро, беспощадно и всё глупее, так что всё больше людей всё скорее мигают и с удивлением видит: оппа, вот так обстоят дела, которые до сих пор были вне моей оптики… Нет, я в этом больше не буду участвовать. Направляю свою благодарность Адольфу Гитлеру и немецкому народу. Миллионы немцев тогда участвовали в борьбе, в которой тогда ещё невозможно было победить. Но бойцами авангарда они были. Они пробивали бреши.

С тех пор те были затушёвываны и замазаны… и в наше новое время опять выстпают наружу, на поверхность. Томрам, 08.

В случае, если тот или иной отрывок немецкого оригинала допускает разночтения при переводе на русский язык, то немецкий вариант отрывка текста приводится в подстрочных примечаниях без перевода. Если перевод был ошибочным — в подстраничных примечаниях приводится точный перевод немецкого текста. Воззвание Фюрера к германскому народу Германский народ! Обремененный тяжкими заботами, принужденный молчать месяцами, я дождался часа, когда, наконец, могу говорить открыто. Когда 3 сентября 1939 г. Англия объявила войну Германии, снова повторилась попытка англичан уничтожить всякое начало консолидации, а с нею и возрождение Европы путем борьбы против когда-то сильнейшей державы на континенте. Так в свое время — путем многих войн — Англия привела к погибели Испанию.

Так вела она свои войны против Голландии. Так — с помощью всей Европы — боролась она позже с Францией. И так в конце столетия начала она политику окружения тогдашней Германии, а в 1914 г. Только вследствие внутреннего разлада Германия в 1918 г. Последствия были ужасны. После того, как в начале лицемерно говорилось, что борьба велась исключительно против Кайзера и его режима и после того, как германские войска сложили оружие, началось планомерное уничтожение германского государства. В то время, как слова одного французского государственного деятеля, что в Германии существует излишек 20 миллионов людей, который — другими словами — должен был б,ы быть уничтожен посредством голода, болезней или переселений, по-видимому, сбывались буквально, национал-социалистическое движение начало свою работу объединения германского народа, а с этим началось и возрождение Германии. Это новое освобождение нашего народа от нужды, бедствий и унизительного пренебрежения стояло под знаком внутреннего возрождения. В частности, это не представляло собой угрозы для Англии, и ее не затрагивало. Несмотря на это, сейчас же снова началась новая, преисполненная ненависти, политика окружения, направленная против Германии.

Снаружи и внутри создался известный нам комплот евреев и демократов, большевиков и реакционеров, единственной целью которого было воспрепятствовать восстановлению нового германского национального государства и вновь повергнуть Германию в состояние бессилия и бедствия. Наряду с нами ненависть этого интернационального, всемирного заговора была направлена против таких же обездоленных народов, которые были принуждены зарабатывать насущный хлеб в тяжелой борьбе за существование. Прежде всего, у Италии и Японии так же, как и у Германии, оспаривалось, если не совершенно отнималось, право участия в пользовании земными благами. Сплочение этих нации, таким образом, было лишь актом самозащиты против угрожающей им эгоистической всемирной коалиции богатства и силы. Уже в 1936 г. Черчилль заявил, по словам американского генерала Вуда, [произнесёнными] перед представителями американской палаты депутатов, что Германия снова становится слишком могущественной и поэтому должна быть уничтожена. Летом 1939 г. Англии казалось, что наступил момент, когда можно вновь начать разложение Германии путем всеобъемлющей политики окружения. Система с этой целью созданной кампании лжи состояла в том, чтобы объявлять другие народы находящимися под угрозой, завлекать их в начале обещаниями английских гарантий и поддержки, а затем, как в мировую войну, заставлять их идти против Германии. Таким образом, от мая до августа 1939 г.

Англии удалось лансировать утверждение, что Литва, Эстония, Латвия, Финляндия, Бессарабия, а также Украина находятся под прямой угрозой Германии. Часть государств дала себя провести этим, приняла обещанные гарантии, предложенные попутно с этим утверждением, и таким образом перекинулась на новый фронт окружения, направленный против Германии. При таких обстоятельствах я счел долгом перед своей совестью и перед историей германского народа не только уверить эти страны и их правительства в ложности сделанных Англией заявлений, но, сверх того, успокоить сильнейшую Восточную Державу путем специальных и торжественных заявлений относительно пределов наших интересов. Вы все чувствовали в свое время, что этот шаг был для меня горьким и тяжелым. Германский народ никогда не питал враждебных чувств по отношению к народностям России. Однако свыше двух десятков лет еврейско-большевистская власть в Москве старается разжечь пожар не только в Германии, но и во всей Европе. Не Германия пыталась перенести свое национал-социалистическое мировоззрение в Россию, а еврейско-большевистские власти в Москве беспрестанно пытались навязать свое господство нашему и другим европейским народам и делали это не только в моральном смысле, но, прежде всего, также и в смысле военной мощи. Однако последствиями деятельности этого режима были лишь хаос, бедствия и голод. В противовес этому, я старался в течение двух десятков лет с минимумом вмешательства и без всякого нарушения нашей продукции1 добиться нового социалистического порядка в Германии, который бы не только устранил безработицу, но также предоставлял прибыль труда в возрастающей мере трудящимся людям. Достижения этой политики создания нового экономического и социального порядка в нашем народе, который, планомерно преодолевая сословные и классовые контрасты, стремится к конечной цели — создать истинную народную общность, являются единственными в мире.

Поэтому в августе 1939 г. Я сделал это исключительно в сознании своей ответственности по отношению к германскому народу, но, прежде всего, в надежде на возможность все же в конце достигнуть длительного примирения и уменьшения жертв, которые иначе могли быть от нас потребованы. Наряду с торжественными заверениями Германии в Москве относительно упомянутых областей и стран — за исключением Литвы — как лежащих за пределами германских политических интересов, было достигнуто особое соглашение на случай, если Англии действительно удастся втравить Польшу в войну против Германии.

Адольф Гитлер и другие вожди партии чаще всего повторяли эти слова в конце своих речей троекратно: «Зиг… хайль! Зиг… хайль! Лозунг был придуман Рудольфом Гессом : на одном из съездов НСДАП в Нюрнберге после речи Гитлера он начал его выкрикивать; лозунг был сразу подхвачен многотысячной толпой, слушавшей фюрера.

Нацистское приветствие употребляется неонацистами в историческом или видоизменённом облике; как замена для Heil Hitler многими ультраправыми используется число 88. В современной немецкой армии , несмотря на запрет, встречаются случаи использования приветствия в частности, неонацистами.

I regarded the peaceful settlement of this problem as a further contribution to a final loosening of the European tension. For this loosening of the tension is assuredly not to be achieved through the agitations of insane warmongers, but through the removal of the real elements of danger. After the problem of Danzig had already been discussed several times some months ago, I made a concrete offer to the Polish Government. I now make this offer known to you, Gentlemen, and you yourselves will judge whether this offer did not represent the greatest imaginable concession in the interests of European peace. As I have already pointed out, I have always seen the necessity of an access to the sea for this country, and have consequently taken this necessity into consideration. I am no democratic statesman, but a National Socialist and a realist. I considered it, however, necessary to make it clear to the Government in Warsaw that just as they desire access to the sea, so Germany needs access to her province in the east. Now these are all difficult problems.

It is not Germany who is responsible for them, however, but rather the jugglers of Versailles, who either in their maliciousness or their thoughtlessness placed 100 powder barrels round about in Europe, all equipped with hardly extinguishable lighted fuses. These problems cannot be solved according to old-fashioned ideas; I think, rather, that we should adopt new methods. Their importance is exclusively psychological and economic. To accord military importance to a traffic route of this kind, would be to show oneself completely ignorant of military affairs. Consequently, I have had the following proposal submitted to the Polish Government:- 1 Danzig returns as a Free State into the framework of the German Reich. In return, Germany is prepared:- 1 To recognise all Polish economic rights in Danzig. The Polish Government have rejected my offer and have only declared that they are prepared 1 to negotiate concerning the question of a substitute for the Commissioner of the League of Nations and 2 to consider facilities for the transit traffic through the Corridor. I have regretted greatly this incomprehensible attitude of the Polish Government, but that alone is not the decisive fact, the worst is that now Poland, like Czecho-Slovakia a year ago, believes, under the pressure of a lying international campaign, that it must call up troops, although Germany on her part has not called up a single man and had not thought of proceeding in any way against Poland. As I have said, this is in itself very regrettable and posterity will one day decide whether it was really right to refuse this suggestion made this once by me. This-as I have said-was an endeavour on my part to solve a question which intimately affects the German people by a truly unique compromise, and to solve it to the advantage of both countries.

Текст и перевод песни Ernst Busch - Alle Waffen gegen Hitler

They cannot understand it because it is beyond their mental horizon or outside the sphere of their egotistic interests. Our National Socialist teaching has undoubtedly a revolutionizing effect in many spheres of life and has interfered and acted under the revolutionary impulse. The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood. A very simple statement; but it involves a principle that has tremendous consequences. This is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood which God has given it. And thus it happens that for the first time it is now possible for men to use their God-given faculties of perception and insight in the understanding of those problems which are of more momentous importance for the preservation of human existence than all the victories that may be won on the battlefield or the successes that may be obtained through economic efforts. It is not for men to discuss the question of why Providence created different races, but rather to recognize the fact that it punishes those who disregard its work of creation. Unspeakable suffering and misery have come upon mankind because they lost this instinct which was grounded in a profound intuition; and this loss was caused by a wrong and lopsided education of the intellect. Among our people there are millions and millions of persons living today for whom this law has become clear and intelligible. What individual seers and the still unspoiled natures of our forefathers saw by direct perception has now become a subject of scientific research in Germany.

And I can prophesy here that, just as the knowledge that the earth moves around the sun led to a revolutionary alternation in the general world-picture, so the blood-and-race doctrine of the National Socialist Movement will bring about a revolutionary change in our knowledge and therewith a radical reconstruction of the picture which human history gives us of the past and will also change the course of that history in the future. And this will not lead to an estrangement between the nations; but, on the contrary, it will bring about for the first time a real understanding of one another. At the same time, however, it will prevent the Jewish people from intruding themselves among all the other nations as elements of internal disruption, under the mask of honest world-citizens, and thus gaining power over these nations. We feel convinced that the consequences of this really revolutionizing vision of truth will bring about a radical transformation in German life. For the first time in our history, The German people have found the way to a higher unity than they ever had before; and that is due to the compelling attraction of this inner feeling. Innumerable prejudices have been broken down, many barriers have been overthrown as unreasonable, evil traditions have been wiped out and antiquated symbols shown to be meaningless. From that chaos of disunion which had been caused by tribal, dynastic, philosophical, religious and political strife, the German nation has arisen and has unfurled the banner of a reunion which symbolically announces, not a political triumph, but the triumph of the racial principle. For the past four-and-a-half years German legislation has upheld and enforced this idea. Just as on January 30th, 1933, a state of affairs already in existence was legalized by the fact that I was entrusted with the chancellorship, whereby the party whose supremacy in Germany had then become unquestionable was not authorized to take over the government of the Reich and mould the future destiny of Germany; so this German legislation that has been in force for the past four years was only the legal sanction which gave jurisdiction and binding force to an idea that had already been clearly formulated and promulgated by the party.

When the German community, based on the racial blood-bond, became realized in the German State we all felt that this would remain one of the finest moments to be remembered during our lives. Like a blast of springtime it passed over Germany four years ago. The fighting forces of our movement who for many years had defended the banner of the Hooked Cross against the superior forces of the enemy, and had carried it steadily forward for a long fourteen years, now planted it firmly in the soil of the new Reich. Within a few weeks the political debris and the social prejudices which had been accumulating through a thousand years of German history were removed and cleared away. May we not speak of a revolution when the chaotic conditions brought about by parliamentary-democracy disappear in less than three months and a regime of order and discipline takes their place, and a new energy springs forth from a firmly welded unity and a comprehensive authoritative power such as Germany never before had? So great was the Revolution that its intellectual foundations are not even yet understood but are superficially criticized by our contemporaries. They talk of democracies and dictatorships; but they fail to grasp the fact that in this country a radical transformation has taken place and has produced results which are democratic in the highest sense of the word, if democracy has any meaning at all. With infallible certainty we are steering towards an order of things in which a process of selection will become active in the political leadership of the nation, as it exists throughout the whole of life in general. By this process of selection, which will follow the laws of Nature and the dictates of human reason, those among our people who show the greatest natural ability will be appointed to positions in the political leadership of the nation.

In making this selection no consideration will be given to birth or ancestry, name or wealth, but only to the question of whether or not the candidate has a natural vocation for those higher positions of leadership. In this country that principle will have its political counterpart. Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. And that is no theory. In the present National Socialist Germany it is a reality that is considered by us all as a matter of course. I myself, to whom the people have given their trust and who have been called to be their leader, come from the people. All the millions of German workers know that it is not a foreign dilettante or an international revolutionary apostle who is at the head of the Reich, but a German who has come from their own ranks. And numerous people whose families belong to the peasantry and working classes are now filling prominent positions in this National Socialist State. Some of them actually hold the highest offices in the leadership of the nation, as Cabinet Ministers, Reichsstatthalter and Gauleiter.

But National Socialism always bears in mind the interests of the people as a whole and not the interests of one class or another. The National Socialist Revolution has not aimed at turning a privileged class into a class which will have no rights in the future. Its aim has been to grant equal rights to those social strata that hitherto were denied such rights. We have not ruined millions of citizens by degrading them to the level of enslaved workers. Our aim has been to educate slaves to be German citizens. One thing will certainly be quite clear to every German; and this is that revolutions as acts of terror can only be of short duration. If revolutions are not able to produce something new they will end up by devouring the whole of the national patrimony which existed before them. From the assumption of power as an act of force the beneficial work of peace must be promptly developed. But those who abolish classes for the purpose of putting new classes in their place sow the seeds of new revolutions.

The bourgeois citizen who has the ruling power in his hands today will become a proletarian if he is banished to Siberia tomorrow and condemned to enforced lab our there. He will then yearn for hisday of deliverance, just as did the proletarian of former times, who now thinks that his turn has come to play the despot. Therefore the National Socialist Revolution never aimed at bringing in one class of the German people and turning out another. One the contrary, our objective has been to make it possible for the whole German people to work, not only in the economic but also in the political field, and to guarantee this possibility by organizing the various classes into one national unit. The National Socialist Movement, however, limits its sphere of internal activity to those individuals who belong to one people and it refuses to allow the members of a foreign race to wield an influence over our political, intellectual, or cultural life. And we refuse to accord to the members of a foreign race any predominant position in our national economic system. In this folk-community, which is based on the bond of blood, and in the results which National Socialism has obtained by making the idea of this community understood among the public, lies the most profound reason for the marvelous success of our Revolution. Confronted with this new and vigorous ideal, all idols and relics of the past which had been upheld by dynastic interests, tribal affiliations and even party interests, now began to lose their glamour. That is why the whole party system of former times completely collapsed in a few weeks, without giving rise to the feeling that something had been lost.

They were superseded by a better ideal. A new movement took their place. A reorganization of our people into a national unit that includes all those whose lab our is productive simply pushed aside the old organizations of employers and employees. The symbolic emblems of the recent past, which was a period of disintegration and disability, were banished, not—as in 1918 or 1919—through a resolution voted by a committee appointed to invent a new symbol for the Reich, as if the choice were to depend on the results of a prize competition. Since that day it has become the consecrated symbol of his national resurgence on land and sea and in the air. There could be no more eloquent proof of how profoundly the German people have understood the significance of this change and new development than the manner in which the nation sanctioned our regime at the polls on so many occasions during the years that followed. So, of all those who like to point again and again to the democratic form of government as the institution which is based on the universal will of the people, in contrast to dictatorships, nobody has a better right to speak in the name of the people than I have. Among the results of this phase of the German Revolution I may enumerate the following: — 1 Since that time there is only one trustee of supreme power among the German people and that trustee is the whole people itself. Anyone who compares this state of affairs with the condition of Germany before January 1933 will realize what a tremendous transformation is indicated by these few short statements.

But this transformation is only a result that has followed from carrying a fundamental axiom of the National Socialist doctrine into practical effect. This axiom is that the only reasonable meaning and purpose of all human thought and conduct cannot be to create or to maintain structures, organizations or functions made by men, but only to preserve and develop the innate character of the people itself; for Providence has given us this character as the groundwork of all our constructive efforts. Through the successful issue of the National Socialist Movement the people as such was placed above any organization, construction or function, as the sole element that is always there and will permanently abide. The meaning and purpose which Providence had in mind when it created the different races cannot be investigated by us, human beings, and no theory about it can be laid down. But the meaning and purpose of human organizations and of all human activities can be measured by asking what value they are for the maintenance of the race or people, which is the one existing element that must abide. The people—the race—is the primary thing. Party, State, Army, the national economic structure, Justice etc, all these are only secondary and accidental. They are only the means to the end and the end is the preservation of this nation. These public institutions are right and useful according to the measure in which their energies are directed towards this task.

If they are incapable of fulfilling it, then their existence is harmful and they must either be reformed or removed and replaced by something better. It is absolutely necessary that this principle should be practically recognized; for that is the only way in which men can be saved from becoming the victims of a devitalized set of dogmas in a matter where dogmas are entirely out of place, and from drawing dogmatic conclusions from the consideration of ways and means, when the final purpose itself is the only valid dogma. All of you, gentlemen and members of the German Reichstag, understand the meaning of what I have just said. But on this occasion I am speaking to the whole German people and therefore I should like to bring forward a few examples which show how important these principles were proved to be when they were put into practice. There are many people for whom this is the only way of explaining why we talk of a Nationalist Socialist Revolution, though no blood was shed and no property wrecked. For a long time our ideas of law and justice had been developing in a way that led to a state of general confusion. This was partly due to the fact that we adopted ideas which were foreign to our national character and also partly because the German mind itself did not have any clear notion of what public justice meant. This confusion was evidenced more strikingly by the lack of inner clarity as to the function of law and justice. There are two extreme poles which are characteristic of this mental lack: —- 1 The opinion that the law as such is its own justification and hence cannot be made the subject of any critical analysis as to its utility, either in regard to its general principles or its relation to particular problems.

According to this notion, the law would remain even though the world should disappear. Between these two extreme poles the idea of defending the larger interests of the community was introduced very timidly and under the cloak of an appeal to reasons of state. In contradistinction to all this, the National Socialist Revolution has laid down a definite and unambiguous principle on which the whole system of legislation, jurisprudence and administration of justice must be founded. It is the task of justice to collaborate in supporting and protecting the people as a whole against those individuals who, because they lack a social conscience, try to shirk the obligations to which all the members of the community are subject, or directly act against the interests of the community itself. In the new German legal system which will be in force from now onwards the nation is placed above persons and property. The principle expressed in that brief statement and everything it implies has led to the greatest reform ever introduced in our German legal structure. The first decisive action taken in accordance with the fundamental principle I have spoken of was the setting up not only of one legislator but also of one executive. The second measure is not yet ready but will be announced to the nation within a few weeks. In the German penal code, which has been drawn up with this wide general perspective in view, German justice will be placed for the first time on a basis which ensures that for all time to come its duty will be to serve in maintaining the German race.

Although the chaos which we found before us in the various branches of public life was very great indeed, the state of dissolution into which German economic life had fallen was still greater. And this was the feature of the German collapse that impressed itself most strikingly on the minds of the broad masses of the people. The conditions that then actually existed have still remained in their memories and in the memory of the German people as a whole. As outstanding examples of this catastrophe we found these two phenomena: — 1 More than six millions of unemployed. The area covered by the German agricultural farms that were on the point of being sold up by forced auction was as large as the whole of Thuringia more than 8. In the natural course of events the falling off in production on the one side and the decrease in purchasing power, on the other, must necessarily bring about the disruption and annihilation of the great mass of the middle class also. How seriously this side of the German distress was then felt might subsequently be measured by the fact that I had to ask for full owners for the period of four years especially for the purpose of reducing unemployment and putting a stop to the dissolution of the German agricultural population. I may further state that in 1933 the National Socialists did not interfere with any activities which were being carried out by others and which at the same time promised success. The Party was called to take over the government of the country at a moment when the possibilities of redeeming the situation in any other way had been exhausted and particularly when repeated attempts to overcome the economic crisis had failed.

After four years from that date I now face the German people and you, gentlemen and members of the Reichstag, to give an account of what has been accomplished. On this occasion I do not think you will withhold your sanction from what the National Socialist Government has done and you will agree that I have fulfilled the promises I made four years ago. It was not an easy undertaking. I am not giving away any secrets when I tell you that at that time the so-called economic experts were convinced that the economic crisis could not be overcome. In the face of this staggering situation which, as I have said, appeared hopeless to the minds of the experts, I still believed in the possibility of a German revival and particularly in the possibility of an economic recovery. My belief was grounded on two considerations: — 1 I have always had sympathy for those excited people who invariably talk of the collapse of the nation whenever they find themselves confronted with a difficult situation. What do they mean by a collapse? The German people were already in existence before they made any definite appearance in history as it is known to us. Now, leaving out entirely what their pre-historic experiences may have been, it is certain that during the past two thousand years of history, through which that portion of mankind which we call the German People has passed, unspeakable miseries and catastrophes must have befallen them more than once.

Famines, wars and pestilences have overwhelmed our people and wreaked terrible havoc among them. It must give rise to unlimited faith in the vital resources of a nation when we recall the fact that only a few centuries ago our German people, with a population of more than eighteen millions, were reduced by the Thirty Years War to less than four millions. Let us also remember that this once flourishing land was pillaged, dismembered and devastated, that its cities were burned down, its hamlets and villages laid waste, that its fields were left uncultivated and barren. Some ten years afterwards our people began again to increase in number. The cities were rebuilt and began to be filled with a new life. The fields were ploughed once more. Songs were heard along the countryside, in concord with the rhythm of that work which brought new life and livelihood to the people. Let us look back over the development, or at least that part of it known to us, through which our people have passed since those dim historic ages down to the present time. We shall then recognize how puny is all the fuss that these weakling fools make who immediately begin to talk about the collapse of the economic structure—and hence of human existence—the first moment a piece of printed paper loses its face value somewhere in the world.

Germany and the German people have mastered many a grave catastrophe. Of course, we must admit that the right men were always needed to formulate the necessary measures and enforce them without paying any attention to those negative persons who always think that they know more than others. A bevy of parliamentarian weaklings are certainly not the kind of men to lead a nation out of the slough of distress and despair. I firmly believed and was solemnly convinced that the economic catastrophe would be mastered in Germany as soon as the people could be got to believe in their own immortality as a people and as soon as they realized that the aim and purpose of all economic effort is to save and maintain the life of the nation. But unfortunately I have observed that the worst theorists are always busy in those quarters where theory has no place at all and where practical life counts for everything. It goes without saying that in the economic sphere and with the passing of time experience has given rise to the employment of certain definite principles and also definite methods of work which have been proved to be productive of good results. But all methods and principles are subject to the time element. To make hard-and-fast dogmas out of practical methods would deprive the human faculties and working power of that elasticity which alone enables them to face changing demands by changing the means of meeting them accordingly and thus mastering them. There were many persons among us who busied themselves, with that perseverance which is characteristic of the Germans, in an effort to formulate dogmas from economic methods and then raise that dogmatic system to a branch of our university curriculum, under the title of national economy.

According to the pronouncements issued by these national economists, Germany was irrevocably lost. It is a characteristic of all dogmatists that they vigorously reject any new dogma. In other words, they criticize any new piece of knowledge that may be put forward and reject it as mere theory. For the last eigtheen [sic] years we have been witnessing a rare spectacle. Our economic dogmatists have been proved wrong in almost every branch of practical life and yet they repudiate those who have actually overcome the economic crisis, as propagators of false theories and damn them accordingly. You all know the story of the doctor who told a patient that he could live only for another six months. Ten years afterwards the patient met the physician; but the only surprise which the latter expressed at the recovery of the patient was to state that the treatment which the second doctor gave the patient was entirely wrong. The German economic policy which National Socialism introduced in 1933 is based on some fundamental considerations. In the relations between economics and the people, the people alone is the only unchangeable element.

Сила же внутренней организации народа, в свою очередь, зависит от твердости общей позиции по известным основополагающим вопросам. Все больше евреев проскальзывает в семьи сильных мира сего, подсовывая им еврейских жен. Результатом явилось то, что за короткое время именно руководящий слой общества стал абсолютно чужд своему собственному народу. Во-первых, германец во всех смыслах устроен покрепче, чем еврей. Во-вторых, народ, за спасение которого было заплачено двумя миллионами погибших в Мировой войне, обязательно найдет в себе силы отомстить за каждую жизнь, погубленную врагами внешними, и за каждую смерть, обессмысленную предателями и преступниками в тылу. Приложение к «Программе Адольфа Гитлера»: Изречения Адольфа Гитлера Многие поддались внушению и предпочитают более не замечать, что евреи являются отдельной обособленной расой. Однако, найдется ли еще хоть один народ, который, расселившись по всему миру, продолжал бы оказывать поддержку представителям своей расы с такой же исступленной решимостью, как это делают евреи? Зато чужих культур они уничтожили сотни. Чтобы «стать» немцем, ему пришлось бы отказаться от своей принадлежности к еврейству. Что для него абсолютно невозможно.

Внутренне еврей не может органично влиться в немецкую национальную среду по целому ряду причин: 1. Это должно сплотить тех, в ком еще бьется немецкое сердце и жива любовь к своему народу, и поднять их на борьбу против общего заклятого врага всех арийцев. Семья … это самая малая, но и самая ценная составная часть во всей структуре государства. Но рождение и воспитание ребенка приносит женщине еще больше — дает ей право называться высоким именем матери. Наоборот, наша идея направлена только и исключительно на осознание задачи, поставленной перед нами самой жизнью: спасение и сохранение нашего собственного народа средствами, адекватными сложившемуся положению. Интервью 03. Потому что наша нынешняя молодежь имеет равные возможности в жизни, вместе марширует, вместе поет песни нашего Движения и Отечества, и верит в Германию, принадлежащую только ей. Их мы с самого начала будем воспитывать в духе совершенно иных идеалов, и, прежде всего, мы научим их видеть друг в друге товарищей. И здесь ценится количество, а не качество. Всезнайство, которое чаще всего оказывается «липовым», — враг эффективной деятельности.

Помимо приобретения твердых практических знаний нам нужно развитие инстинктивного и воспитание воли. Другими словами, должно вырасти поколение целостных людей, способных ясным разумом познавать вечные законы развития, сознательно стремясь пробудить в себе древнее инстинктивное знание. И здесь мы также не ограничились одной лишь теорией. Трудно себе даже представить, в какой основательной чистке нуждалась Германия до того, как мы занялись ею несколько месяцев назад! Однако, очищение — длительный процесс, требующий продолжения. Высокий смысл физической работы заключается в том, что именно в ней с особой ясностью проявляются такие качества, как трудолюбие и ответственность. Интервью 18. Речь 08. Приложение к «Речам Адольфа Гитлера»: Изречения Адольфа Гитлера В тот день, когда обе идеи национализм и социализм сольются в одну, они станут непобедимы. Ни те, ни другие не могут существовать друг без друга.

Они — единое целое, из которого и должен выкристаллизоваться новый человек — человек грядущего Германского Рейха. Лишь в этом случае государство способно полноценно выполнять свои социальные обязательства. Капитал — не хозяин государства, а его слуга. Музыку же в этом заведении заказывают … исключительно евреи. И если возродится немецкий народ, будет восстановлено и все остальное. Кровь и раса вновь станут источником художественного вдохновения. И борьба эта была ни чем иным, как бунтом одной пришлой национальной группы, прочно обосновавшейся внутри нашего народа, но так и не научившейся уважать ни гостеприимных хозяев, ни их культуру. Нездоровая расовая психология данной группы населения изначально предопределила постоянный конфликт некоторых ее представителей с окружающей их иной национальной средой, без малейшей попытки взаимопонимания и преодоления своей культурной инородности. К сожалению, именно такие, не вполне адекватные, представители еврейской интеллектуальной элиты и занялись немецкой культурой, пытаясь переделать ее под себя. Древние греки и римляне оказались вдруг так близки германцам потому, что все три народа своими этническими корнями уходят в общую расовую основу.

Так, благодаря расовому родству, бессмертные свершения древних народов вновь и вновь оказывают свое благотворное влияние на дела их потомков. Правительству не мешало бы позаботиться о том, чтобы его народ не подвергался регулярному и целенаправленному отравлению. Требовать этого — естественное право народа, базирующееся на его сознании, на традиционном представлении о плохом и хорошем. То, что вредит народу, должно быть устранено. Тому, кто отрекается от нации, внутри которой он живет, нет в ней места. Мы обязаны требовать, чтобы пресса стала инструментом национального самовоспитания. И те представители народа, которым свойственны эти качества, обязательно заявят о себе. Именно они делают историю. Когда на карту поставлено само выживание народа, тогда уже не годятся ни народные представительства, ни парламенты, ни местные самоуправления. Тогда могут спасти лишь сильные личности.

Я говорю от имени всего немецкого народа, когда заявляю, что все мы преисполнены искреннего желания искоренить былую вражду, приведшую к жертвам, несоизмеримыми ни с какими возможными победами или приобретениями. Он был построен не на завоевании, не за счет чужих народов. Его процветание явилось результатом постоянного труда, несказанного усердия и неисчислимых забот наших собственных людей. И все же внутренне мы были бедны, раздроблены и разобщены. Народ, который больше не знал, как должно распоряжаться своим богатством. Это не делает Англию принципиальным врагом Германии, однако и не позволяет упускать ее из вида, как весьма настойчивого претендента на главенствующую роль в Европе. Ради этого двадцать шесть народов мира были хладнокровно натравлены друг на друга той самой прессой, которая практически вся находится в собственности только у одного всемирного народца евреев , только у одной расы — смертельного врага любого национального государства! Ни кайзер, ни правительство, ни народ этой войны не хотели! Вновь и вновь нас настигают рецидивы упадка. Причины всегда одни и те же.

Немец, поддавшийся внутренней слабости, утративший душевное равновесие, с распыленной волей и уже неспособный на поступок, становится бессилен бороться за свою собственную жизнь. Вот тут-то, как раз, и начинаются всякого рода абстрактные мечтания о правах, вместо практического их отстаивания. А тем временем, пока он витает в облаках, на земле у него выбивают почву из-под ног, и отбирают вполне конкретную собственность. Поэтому сегодня им не стоит жаловаться на нас. Заслуженного ими сполна возмездия пока еще не последовало. Мстить поверженному врагу — не в наших традициях. Но если бы мы действительно захотели им отомстить — нам следовало бы ликвидировать их десятками тысяч! Как раз наоборот, он относится к той категории политических документов, в которых победители диктуют побежденным размеры и сроки выплаты грабительской дани. А такие « мирные договора » всегда несут в себе зародыш будущих войн. Открытое письмо от 14.

Этот договор нужен для того, чтобы отправить на тот свет еще двадцать миллионов немцев и окончательно погубить немецкую нацию. Напротив, такой договор должен быть направлен на скорейшее рубцевание и исцеление этих ран. Этот мирный договор ежегодно уносил жизни двадцати тысяч немцев. Этих людей просто лишали всех средств к существованию, не оставляя им ни малейшего шанса выжить, - и все ради того, чтобы, не дай Бог, не задержать выплату очередной порции дани победителям. Зато у многих миллионов людей этот фарс неизбежно должен был вызвать чувство ненависти к такому мировому порядку, при котором возможна постоянная диффамация и дискриминация великого народа только за то, что однажды его постигло несчастье проиграть, после героического сопротивления, навязанную ему войну. На трон же низвергнутых королей и царей шустро вскарабкался галицийский еврей. Невозможно совершить революцию, с действительно далеко идущими последствиями, если сам народ внутренне к ней не стремится. И когда я сравниваю то, что происходит у нас в Германии, с теми ужасами, которые творились, например, во времена Французской революции 1789 года , я с полным правом могу сказать: мы-то, уж во всяком случае, не изобретали и не расставляли по всей стране гильотин, и не устраивали в Германии никаких Вандей! Мы ограничились тем, что изолировали от основной, здоровой, части нации лишь самые недостойные ее элементы. Мы были вынуждены сделать это, поскольку ни одна из тех стран, что регулярно выражают свою горячую обеспокоенность судьбой этих деятелей в нехорошей Германии, почему-то до сих пор так и не удосужилась пригласить их на жительство к себе.

Будем по-прежнему рады предоставить их всех в чье угодно распоряжение. И не только у нас.

Россия победила. Мудрые цитаты Гитлера. Гитлер Великий человек. Самые известные высказывания Гитлера.

Цитаты про фашизм. Чубайс Гитлер. Цитаты Адольфа Гитлера о славянах. Гитлер 1941 речь. Недочеловеки Гиммлер. Фразы о фашизме.

Высказывания о бандеровцах. Гитлер социалист. Гитлер мы могли бы назваться либеральной партией. Мы могли бы назвать себя либеральной партией Гитлер. Адольф Гитлер еврей. Высказывания Гитлера о евреях.

Адольф Гитлер цитаты про евреев. Приколы про Гитлера и Сталина. Фюрер всея Руси. Путинская Россия и гитлеровская Германия. Сравнение Путина и Гитлера. Сходство Путина и Гитлера.

Высказывание Гиммлера о славянах. Русские арийцы Гиммлер. Высказывания Гитлера о Сталине. Стихи Сталина. Сталин стихи. Сталин Гитлеры приходят и уходят а немецкий народ остается.

Сталин о немецком народе. Опыт истории говорит, что Гитлеры приходят и уходят. Сталин о немцах Гитлеры приходят. Адольф Гитлер цитаты о России. Володин есть Путин есть Россия нет Путина нет России. Россия это Путин Володин.

Володин есть Путин есть Россия. Нет Путина нет России Володин. Адольф Гитлер социалист. Национал-социализм высказывания. Гитлер создатель Израиля. Хеннеке Кардель Адольф Гитлер основатель Израиля.

Гитлер еврей.

Die ersten 30 Lebensjahre nennt Fest deshalb "ein zielloses Leben". Wie wurde Adolf Hitler zum Diktator? Dieses begann am 20. Er wuchs zusammen mit seiner Schwester Paula und den beiden Halbgeschwistern Alois und Angela zusammen auf. Da dieser als uneheliches Kind geboren wurde, trug er fast 40 Jahre lang den Nachnamen Schicklgruber. Alois Hitler war Zollbeamter und mit Klara in dritter Ehe verheiratet. Als er dann die Realschule in Linz besuchte, verschlechterten sich seine Noten drastisch, er blieb mehrmals sitzen und wechselte die Schule. Stattdessen wohnte er zusammen mit der Mutter in Linz.

Высказывания адольфа гитлера. Цитаты на немецком языке с переводом

Выступая перед делегатами Рейхстага Германии 20 февраля, я впервые огласил требования, основанные на непререкаемом принципе. Цитаты гитлера на немецком | Анекдоты, цитаты, статусы, загадки, стихи, фразы. Немецкий является языком оригинала многих из нижеприведенных цитат, потому что среди немцев было много великих людей.

Знаменитые слова гитлера на немецком

Адольф Гитлер — немецкий политик и оратор, основоположник и центральная фигура национал-социализма, основатель тоталитарной диктатуры Третьего рейха, глава Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей п Смотрите видео онлайн «Адольф Гитлер цитаты и. Известные цитаты Гитлера (100 цитат). Сравнение речи Гитлера и Путина найдены поразительные 3. 1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,900 Ob du meine Arbeit für richtig hältst, 2 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:08,990 ob du glaubst, dass ich fleißig gewesen bin, dass ich gearbeitet habe. 3 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:11,900 dass ich mich in diesen Jahren für dich eingesetzt habe, 4 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,990 dass ich.

Adolf Hitler Speeches

Да и фанатично настроенное окружение Гитлера на допросах могло просто врать, что фюрер был в бункере до 30 апреля, а затем покончил с собой. Разумеется, ни тогда, ни сегодня никто не стал опровергать, являющуюся официальной версию самоубийства Гитлера, но проверить возможные места его бегства было необходимо. Тем более, что в здании Главного штаба ВМФ Германии сотрудниками советской разведки были найдены карты с указанием лоций прохождения специальным конвоем фюрера, состоящим из подводных лодок, подводных пещер под Землей Королевы Мод у побережья Антарктиды. Конечной целью путешествия значилась обратная сторона Земли. На картах были даже отмечены континенты этой загадочной страны.

Рабство уменьшится, свободы прибавляется, и мы всё больше будем мирно творчески этим пользоваться.

Пусть тебя не смущает, что в данный момент угрожающе трещит. Это делается быстро, беспощадно и всё глупее, так что всё больше людей всё скорее мигают и с удивлением видит: оппа, вот так обстоят дела, которые до сих пор были вне моей оптики… Нет, я в этом больше не буду участвовать. Направляю свою благодарность Адольфу Гитлеру и немецкому народу. Миллионы немцев тогда участвовали в борьбе, в которой тогда ещё невозможно было победить. Но бойцами авангарда они были.

Они пробивали бреши. С тех пор те были затушёвываны и замазаны… и в наше новое время опять выстпают наружу, на поверхность.

Mein Kampf цитаты. Mein Kampf мемы. Гитлер о славянах цитаты. Высказывания фашистов о русских. Речи Адольфа Гитлера на немецком языке. Речи Адольфа Гитлера с переводом.

Германские фразы Гитлера. Геббельс о русских высказывание. Геббельс цитаты. Геббельс цитаты о пропаганде. Геббельс о Гитлере цитаты. Высказывания о любви Адольфа Гитлера. Смешные фразы Гитлера. Цитаты Гитлера и Путина.

Путин о Гитлере цитаты. Цитаты Гитлера Мем. Гиммлер цитаты. Генрих Гиммлер цитаты. Адольф Гитлер 1920 1080. Гитлер о социализме. Гитлер о марксизме. Национал социализм Гитлер.

Гитлер о коммунизме. Высказывание Геббельса о бандеровцах. Высказывание Геббельса об украинцах. Высказывания Гитлера о украинцах. Геббельс о русских и украинцах. Гитлер с русскими. Гитлер в Москве. Гитлер был хорошим.

Гитлер был русским. Евреи богоизбранный народ. Высшая раса. Гитлер и Моисей. Богоизбранный народ славяне. Высказывания фашистов. Изречения Гитлера о евреях. Афоризмы Гитлера.

Гитлер мы тогда победим Россию. Гитлер украинец. Гитлер о белоруссах и украинцах.

This is a degradation of any honest work, for every honestly working man must ask today: Does it have a purpose at all that I work? Yes, one of the foundations of our strength is being destroyed, namely the ethical concept of work, and that was the brilliant idea of Karl Marx to falsify the ethical concept of work, and the whole mass of the people who groan under the Capital are to be organized for the destruction of the national economy and for the protection of international finance-and-loan capital. Stormy applause We know that today 15 billion of industry capital is facing 500 billion of loan capital.

These 15 billion of industry capital is invested in creative values, while this 500 billion loan capital, which we always get in spoonful rates of 6 and 7 billion and which we use in periods of 1 to 2 months to supplement our rations a little, these 6 to 7 billion today which are decreed almost worthless scraps of paper, at a later date, should we ever recover, will have to be repaid in high quality money i. This is not only the destruction of a state, but already the application of a chain, of a neck collar for later times. National purity as a source of strength The second pillar against which the Jew as a parasite turns, and must turn, is the national purity as a source of the strength of a nation. The Jew, who is himself a nationalist more than any other nation, who through millennia did not mix with any other race, uses intermingling just for others to degenerate them in the best case; this same Jew preaches every day with thousands of tongues, from 19,000 papers in Germany alone, that all nations on Earth are equal, that international solidarity should bind all the peoples, that no people can lay a claim to a special status etc. What a nation means, he, who himself never dreams of climbing down to those to whom he preaches internationalism, knows well. First a race must be denationalized.

First it must unlearn that its power is in its blood, and when it has reached the level where it has no more pride, the result is a product, a second race, which is lower than the previous one and the Jew needs the lower one in order to organize his final world domination. In order to build it and keep it, he lowers the racial level of the other peoples, so that only he is racially pure and able to eventually rule over all the others. We know that the Hindus in India are a mixed people, stemming from the high Aryan immigrants and from the dark aborigines. And this nation bears the consequences, for it is a slave nation of a race that may seem in many ways almost as a second Jewry. Another problem is the problem of physical decomposition of races. The Jew is trying to eliminate all of which he knows that is somehow strengthening, muscle-steeling, and eliminate above all everything of that which he knows may keep a race so healthy that it will remain determined not to tolerate among themselves national criminals, pests to the national community, but under some circumstances, punish them with death.

And that is his great fear and worry; for even the heaviest latches of the safest prison are not so tough, and the prison is not so safe that a few million could not open it eventually. Only one lock is permanent, and that is death, and in front of it he has the most awe. And therefore he seeks to abolish this barbaric punishment everywhere where he lives as a parasite. But wherever he already is, Lord, it is used ruthlessly. Loud applause And, for the breaking of physical strength, he has excellent means at hand. First of all, he has the trade that should be nothing more than distribution of foodstuffs and other necessary items for daily use.

He uses it to withdraw these articles of daily life, when necessary, in order to raise the price on the one hand, but also to withdraw in order to create the conditions for physical weakening which have always worked best: hunger. Everywhere, what we see behind these organizations is not the desire to make a shining organization for food supply, but through them gradually to create hunger. We know that as a politician he never had reason and cause to shun the hunger, on the contrary, wherever the Jew appeared in political parties, hunger and misery was the only soil in which he could grow. He desires it, and therefore he does not even think of easing social misery. He was a leading proponent of a policy of assimilation for German Jews ] Hand in hand with this goes a battle against the health of the people. He knows how to turn all the healthy normal manners, the obvious hygienic rules of a race on its head, from night he makes day; he creates the notorious nightlife and knows exactly that it works slowly but surely, gradually destroying the healthy strength of a race, making it soft; the one is destroyed physically, the other spiritually, and into the heart of the third it puts the hatred as he has to see the others feast.

And finally, as a last resort, he destroys the productive capacity, and if necessary, in connection with it, the productive resources of a nation. That is the great mystery of Russia. They have destroyed factories, not because they knew they would no longer be needed, but because they knew that the people would be forced, with enormous hardships, to replace what had been destroyed. So the Jew succeeds in harnessing the people, instead of the former 9 and 10 hours, for 12 hours. For at the moment when the Jew becomes Lord, he knows no 8-hour day, he recognizes his Sabbath for his cattle, but not for the Goyim, for the Akum [words for non-Jews]. The destruction of culture Finally, he reaches for the last method: The destruction of all culture, of all that we consider as belonging in a state which we consider civilized.

Here is his work perhaps most difficult to recognize, but here the actual effect is the most terrible. This is true inner experience, unlike the other ones, which are only superficial swindle Applause , set in the world with an intent to gradually destroy in the people any healthy idea and to whip the people into a state in which no one can understand whether the times are crazy, or whether he himself is mad. Big laughter and applause. Just as he works in painting, sculpture and music, so he does in poetry and especially in literature. Here he has a great advantage. What has become of it?

A place which today you are ashamed to enter unless someone might notice you the moment you go in. And if theater has become a hotbed of vice and shamelessness, then a thousand times more so that new invention which perhaps comes from genial inspiration, but which the Jew understood right away to remodel into the filthiest business that you can imagine: the cinema. Thunderous applause and clapping. At first people attached greatest hopes to this brilliant invention. It could become an easy mediator of profound knowledge for the entire people of the world. And what has become of it?

It became the mediator of the greatest and the most shameless filth. The Jew works on. For him there is no spiritual sensitivity, and just as his forefather Abraham was selling his wife, he finds nothing special about the fact that today he sells girls, and through the centuries we find him everywhere, in North America as in Germany, Austria-Hungary and all over the East, as the merchant of the human commodity and it can not be denied away; even the greatest Jew defender cannot deny that all of these girl-dealers are Hebrews. This subject is atrocious. According to Germanic sentiment there would be only one punishment for this: death. For people that play fast and loose, regarding as a business, as a commodity, what for millions of others means greatest happiness or greatest misfortune.

For them love is nothing more than business in which they make money. They are always ready to tear apart the happiness of any marriage, if only 30 pieces of silver can be made. It was played up by the Jews and became very popular. So we should not be surprised when he also attacks what many people even today are not indifferent to, and what to many at least can give inner peace — religion. Also here we see the same Jew who himself has enough religious customs which others could easily mock, but no one does, as we, in principle, never ridicule religion because it is sacred to us. But he tries to destroy everything without offering a substitute.

Who today, in this age of the vilest deceit and swindle, is detached from it; for him there are just two more possibilities, either he hangs himself in despair or becomes a crook. Instead of the authority of reason, there enters the authority of the great spongy majority led by the Jew, because the Jew is always going through three periods. First, autocratically-minded, ready to serve any prince, he then descends to the people, fighting for democracy, of which he knows that it will be in his hand, and steered by him; he owns it, he becomes a dictator. Hear, hear And we see this today in Russia, where a Lenin has just assured that the councils are already outlived, and that now it is not absolutely necessary that a proletarian state be led through one council or parliament, that it is sufficient that 2 or 3 proletarian-minded people govern this country. These proletarian-minded persons are some Jewish billionaires, and we know very well that behind 2 or 3 proletarians ultimately stands another organization which is outside of the state: the Alliance Israelite and their grandiose propaganda organization and the organization of Freemasonry. Loud applause and clapping of hands And in all these things we must understand that there are no good or evil Jews.

Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. The political organization And when we see, for example, in these Jewish magazines, that it is specified that every Jew everywhere is obligated to fight against any antisemite, wherever and whoever he is, then it follows by deduction that every German, wherever and whoever he is, will become an antisemite. Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal social justice, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge and when we finally united, there was only one big question: How should we actually baptize ourselves? A party? A bad name! When I hear that word I go mad.

Economic organizing only — here lies the salvation and the future. Stormy applause Since it is clear that scientific knowledge is worthless as long as this knowledge is not a basis for an organization of the masses for the implementation of what we consider necessary, and it is further clear that for this organization only the broad masses of our people can be considered. Loud applaus. The salvation can never come from above, it can and will only come from the masses, from the bottom up. Applause And as we came to this realization and decided to form a party, a political party that wants to enter into the ruthless political struggle for the future, then we heard a voice: Do you believe that you few can do it, do you really believe that a couple of guys can do it? Because we understood that we had an immense battle ahead of us but also that anything created by men can be destroyed by other men.

And another conviction has arisen within us, that this can not be a matter of whether we think we can do it, but only a question of whether we believe that it is right and that it is necessary, and if it is right and necessary, then it is no longer a question of whether we want to, but rather it is our duty to do what we feel is necessary. We did not ask after money and supporters, but we decided to go forth. And while others are working a whole generation, perhaps in order to get a small house or to have a carefree retirement, we put our lives at stake and have begun this difficult struggle. If we win, and we are convinced we will, though we may die penniless we will have helped create the biggest movement which will now extend over all Europe and the whole world. Loud applause The first three principles were clear, and they are inseparable from each other. And we were aware that in this fight we can rely on no one but our own people.

We are convinced that socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan, and there in the first place we hope for our own people and are convinced that socialism is inseparable from nationalism. Loud applause To be nationalist does not mean for us to belong to one party or another, but to show with every action that one benefits the people; it means love for all the people without exception. From this point of view we will realize that it is necessary to preserve the most precious thing a people has, the sum of all active creative powers of its workers, to keep it healthy in body and soul. Cheers And this view of nationalism compels us to immediately form a front against its opposite, the Semitic conception of the idea of people Volk , and especially against the Semitic concept of work. Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism. And when today the Jew still runs into our factories and says: How can you be a socialist antisemite?

Are not you ashamed? Hear, hear There comes a time when it will be obvious that socialism can only be carried out accompanied by nationalism and antisemitism. The three concepts are inseparably connected. They are the foundations of our program and therefore we call ourselves National Socialists. Cheers How to proceed Finally, we know how great the social reforms must be so that Germany may recover. We know that one will have to cut deep.

Adolf Hitler Speeches

Представляю вам подборку цитат лидера нацистской Германии Адольфа Гитлера (1889 — 1945). Воззвание Фюрера к Германскому Народу и Нота Министерства Иностранных Дел Германии Советскому Правительству с приложениями. Wir wollen nicht lügen und wollen nicht schwindeln. Ich habe deshalb es abgelehnt, jemals vor dieses Volk hinzutreten und billige Versprechungen zu geben. In uns selbst allein liegt die Zukunft des deutschen Volkes. Wenn wir selbst dieses deutsche Volk emporführen zu eigener Arbeit, zu eigenem. Речь рейхсканцлера А. Гитлера в Рейхстаге 1 сентября 1939 I would like to find all Hitler speeches in original German, but the more I look, the less I find. Sure there are a few here and there, but his complete speeches in German are nowhere to find. I did find a full text on , (linked to also in this answer) but sadly that is only in English. Also the search.

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