Новости эми линн брэдли

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Девушка бесследно исчезла с круизного лайнера 23 года назад

When Amy Lynn Bradley vanished during a cruise on its way to Curacao in 1998, everyone was left baffled — and that was just the beginning of this puzzling tale. Amy Lynn Bradley was on vacation with her parents and brother on the Royal Caribbean International cruise line ship Rhapsody of the Seas when she disappeared on March 24, 1998. ФБР дело Эми Бредли не закрыло, но вознаграждение предлагают скромнее: всего $25,000. Amy Lynn Bradley was on vacation with her parents and brother on the Royal Caribbean International cruise line ship Rhapsody of the Seas when she disappeared on March 24, 1998.

Amy Lynn Bradley, the CREEPIEST Cruise Ship Disappearance!

Это была последняя зацепка исчезновения Эми Линн Брэдли. Эми Линн Брэдли. 23-летняя американка Эми Линн исчезла с борта круизного судна, на котором путешествовала с родителями и младшим братом. Post navigation. В 2019 году появилась новость, что Орланди якобы похоронили в гробнице Ватикана.

Она исчезла на круизном лайнере - 7 лет спустя ее семье пришло электронное письмо.

В 1989 году 23-летняя Эми Линн Брэдли с родителями и младшим братом отправилась в круиз по Карибскому морю. Главная» Новости» Эми линн брэдли последние новости. Что случилось с Эми Линн Брэдли?

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He said he delayed reporting the incident because he was concerned that being in a brothel might jeopardize his career in the Navy. Another possible sighting occurred in March 2005 when a witness named Judy Maurer reported seeing Bradley in a department shop bathroom in Barbados. She asserted that a woman and three males entered the restroom together and that they then threatened her if she did not carry out an agreement. She claims that as soon as the guys had left, she approached the upset woman, who introduced herself as Amy and informed her that she was from Virginia before they returned and dragged her away. Phil broadcast featured the resurfacing of the cold case. Frank claimed to be a former US Army Special Forces officer with a group of skilled warriors who might be able to save Amy, and he informed the family of this. Jones claimed that his crew had witnessed Amy being held by heavily armed Colombian security guards in a housing complex encircled by barbed wire. Jones stated that more money was required when he informed them that they would try to perform a rescue. Jones had invented the narrative to defraud the Bradleys of their money.

Amy and her brother on board the Rhapsody of the Seas In April, Jones admitted guilty to mail fraud and was given a 5-year prison term. Another event included the discovery of a jawbone in Aruba in 2010. The material was not subjected to DNA testing. According to them, the bone is human and most likely has Caucasian ancestry. Phil program on November 17, 2005. On the program, a picture of a young girl resembling Bradley that was sent to her parents in an email raises the possibility that she may have been sold into sexual slavery.

However, investigators have rejected this possibility. Tourists spotted a woman who looked like Bradley on a beach in August 1998, and a U. Navy sailor said in 1999 that a woman at a brothel identified herself as Bradley and requested assistance.

After Amy vanished, additional information would come to light, fueling suspicions of her being bought into the human trafficking trade or even her possible remains. She went to Longwood University near her hometown and earned a degree in physical education there. She was recognized for her excellent swimming skills and had previously worked as a lifeguard. She attended on a basketball scholarship. After graduating from college, Amy intended to begin a new career as a computer consultant. Amy Lynn Bradley in a file photo. She was hesitant to go since she was afraid of the large boat and the ocean, but she did not want to miss the opportunity to see her family. When Amy and Yellow were dancing, a videographer by the name of Chris Fenwick could also record it. One of the many pictures of Yellow a band member and Amy Around 3:35 a.

Brad and Amy returned to the cabin at 3:35 a. Amy remained awake for a little while longer before falling asleep shortly after, according to Brad, who said that he and his sister talked while sitting on the balcony of their suite. The place from where Amy disappeared However, she was gone along with her cigarettes and lighter when he woke up at 6:00 am.

Через полчаса он вернулся, чтобы проверить ее, вот только Эми исчезла, и больше ее никто не видел. Семья, опасаясь, что Эми Линн была похищена, сообщила об этом властям корабля и попросила, чтобы судно не пришвартовывалось до тех пор, пока не будет проведен обыск. Однако персонал круизного судна отклонил их просьбу, и оно прибыло в порт.

Семья Брэдли до сих пор считает, что сотрудники круизного корабля были причастны к исчезновению Эми Линн. Они полагают, что она была вывезена с корабля и продана в сексуальное рабство. Спустя год семье Эми сообщили, что какой-то матрос якобы встретил в борделе на Барбадосе девушку, которая назвалась Эми, но, услышав ее слова, ее тут же увели, и больше матрос ее не видел. Уже в середине двухтысячных родители девушки получили анонимное фото, на котором в откровенной позе была сфотографирована молодая женщина, очень схожая с Эми, но фото было слишком плохого качества, чтобы сказать точно. Эми так и не разыскали. Ребекка Кориам В 2011 году 24-летняя Ребекка Кориам работала на борту круизного лайнера Disney Wonder, когда вдруг исчезла — корабль тогда шел вдоль побережья Мексики.

Девушку в последний раз сняла камера видеонаблюдения, когда она разговаривала по внутренней телефонной линии для экипажа и явно была чем-то огорчена. Она повесила трубку, ушла, и больше ее никогда не видели. Персонал корабля связался с береговой охраной США и мексиканским флотом, чтобы те провели поиски, но они ничего не дали. Поскольку круизное судно было зарегистрировано на Багамах, островная полиция отвечала за расследование, которое проводил единственный сотрудник, и которое длилось…всего один день.

She attended on a basketball scholarship. After graduating from college, Amy intended to begin a new career as a computer consultant. Amy Lynn Bradley in a file photo. She was hesitant to go since she was afraid of the large boat and the ocean, but she did not want to miss the opportunity to see her family. When Amy and Yellow were dancing, a videographer by the name of Chris Fenwick could also record it. One of the many pictures of Yellow a band member and Amy Around 3:35 a.

Brad and Amy returned to the cabin at 3:35 a. Amy remained awake for a little while longer before falling asleep shortly after, according to Brad, who said that he and his sister talked while sitting on the balcony of their suite. The place from where Amy disappeared However, she was gone along with her cigarettes and lighter when he woke up at 6:00 am. Amy and her brother pictured together The cruise personnel looked all throughout the ship between 12:15 and 1:00, but Amy was not found. The Coast Guard utilized three helicopters and a radar plane to aid in the search. Amy Lynn Bradley Sighted The initial assumption made by the authorities was that Amy had either drowned or committed suicide. The fact that Amy was a great swimmer and that her body was never discovered in the water, as well as the absence of any indication of foul play, quickly ended this rumor. This did not, however, result in any discoveries. The picture of an unknown woman taken in a brothel.

Стюарды под подозрением

  • The Disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley
  • Исчезнувшая с круизного лайнера. История Эми Брэдли | Блог жизненных историй WellWel | Дзен
  • The Disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley
  • Девушку продали в бордель

Загадочные нераскрытые исчезновения людей

Главная» Новости» Эми брэдли последние новости. Альтернативные новости. Возвращение пропавшей звезды: Эми Линн Брэдли обретена в море искусства. Эми Линн Брэдли В 1998 году 23-летняя американка из штата Виргиния Эми Линн Брэдли была в круизе со своей семьей. Disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley. Исчезновение Эми Линн Брэдли — до сих пор одна из самых загадочных историй, происходивших на корабле. ФБР дело Эми Бредли не закрыло, но вознаграждение предлагают скромнее: всего $25,000.

Amy Lynn Bradley Vanished off a Cruise Ship in 1998—But Witnesses Claim to Have Spotted Her Since

Эми Линн Брэдли родилась в дружной американской семье, была дружна с родителями и братом Брэдом. Amy Lynn Bradley vanished from a cruise ship when she was just 23. Amy Lynn Bradley left her family's state room on a Caribbean cruise bound for the Antilles in the early hours of March 24, 1998. 1998; Sketch of woman resembling Bradley; Sketch of woman's companion; Unidentified men sought by police.

Discovered Missing

  • The Disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley
  • Новости дня
  • Найди меня, если сможешь

Эми Линн Брэдли: исчезнувшая с круизного лайнера

The images were first revealed by the family on an episode of Dr Phil in 2005 - and sparked fears that Amy had been kidnapped and sold as a sex slave. The internet archive has a cached version of the images being promoted on a defunct website advertising adult holidays in the Caribbean. It identifies the woman as "Jas" - and includes two pictures of a woman with long black hair. The Sun Online found emails listed on the cached version of the websites now return bouncebacks as the domain can no longer be found. The family revealed in a episode of TV show Vanished that an independent forensics expert had told them the picture was a "perfect" match for Amy.

The picture looks like a harsh and tormented Amy," said Iva.

Однако никто из них не увидел ничего подозрительного, и семья вернулась домой без единого намека на то, что могло случиться с их дочерью и сестрой. Никто не верил, что она уйдет по собственному желанию — она только что устроилась на новую работу и казалась довольной своей жизнью. Мог ли ее кто-то похитить?

Ее родители позже показали, что подозревали членов экипажа, которые якобы проявляли к Эми неуместный интерес. Именно там в 2005 году в последний раз видели Натали Холлоуэй, еще одну молодую американку, и с тех пор ее безуспешно разыскивают. Брэдли связались со всеми официальными лицами, включая Белый дом, и наняли частных детективов. Однако результатом было лишь несколько неподтвержденных сообщений о том, что они видели девушку, соответствующую описанию Эми.

Девушку сопровождали ее родители Рон и Ива, и ее брат Брэд в недельном путешествии между островами Аруба и Кюрасао. Никто из них не знал, что они увидят ее в последний раз. Вечера она проводила в музыкальном клубе, танцуя и веселясь с корабельным оркестром, и третий день плавания ничем не отличался: с понедельника по вторник, 23 и 24 марта, она возвращалась в каюту примерно через час после полуночи, а рано утром отец увидел ее спящей на балконе. Всего через несколько минут ее там уже не было — и никто на всем корабле не имел ни малейшего представления, куда она могла деться. Интенсивные поиски вскоре показали, что девушки явно не было на борту. Таким образом, существовало очевидное объяснение, что она упала в воду и утонула, хотя ее семья считала это крайне маловероятным. Эми недавно сдала экзамены на спасателя и, как говорили, была опытной пловчихой.

Он сказал, что Бомонты были в приподнятом настроении, и с ними никого не было. Человек из Сомертона. На теле мужчины не было обнаружено следов борьбы или насилия, а причина его смерти оставалась неизвестной полвека. Мужчина был достаточно ухожен, но у него были срезаны все бирки с одежды, и у него не было удостоверения личности. Найденный в теле лист бумаги вызвал большой переполох. Сама книга, найденная позже, содержала зашифрованное сообщение, смысл которого определить не удалось.

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Thinking Amy was up and around the ship, Ron went to look for her. Ron went to alert his wife about Amy after failing to find her. The family asked the crew to make an announcement that they were looking for Amy but the ship refused, as they did not want to panic other passengers. They told the family that the planned schedule must be kept too and that if more time was needed on the island, the family should stay behind to do what was necessary. The FBI became involved as well. The FBI learned that a thorough search had actually not been done by the cruise, only the common areas were scanned.

The FBI and family then flew to meet the ship at their next stop, so they could re-board and investigate further. A cruise video promoter gave the FBI footage he had taken at the nightclub that night, which included footage of Amy dancing and holding hands with a man named Allister Douglas, or Yellow. Two girls also said they saw Allister and Amy together at 5:30 a. Allister was brought in for questioning, passed a polygraph, and was not deemed a person of interest. Video of Amy dancing with Yellow at the ship nightclub boredomtherapy.

The morning Amy went missing, Allister had come up to him and told him he was sorry about the disappearance of his sister.

В конце 1999-го года моряк, пожелавший остаться неизвестным, рассказал, что в одном из борделей Кюрасао к нему подошла девушка. Она назвалась Эми Брэдли и попросила о помощи. Однако разговор грубо пресекли охранники заведения. Моряк не сразу рассказал о происшествии полицейским, а когда набрался смелости, названный им бордель уже не работал. В 2005 году родители Эми получили по электронной почте фотографии с сайта, предлагающего интимные услуги.

Perhaps Amy decided to stay in paradise? He contests he danced with Amy until 1am and then parted ways. All evidence pointed to the fact that Yellow was telling the truth about his interaction with Bradley.

The videos offered no insight to what happened to Amy, but should have been accessed during the initial investigation. Who took Amy? If Bradley had been taken from the ship by pirates, they would have had to have help. Amy was reportedly very uncomfortable with the attention she received from the wait staff. Pictures of Bradley that had been taken by the wait staff were removed by the crew, furthering speculation that she may have been singled out. Could a crew member have swept Amy off the boat before anyone could help her? Since the disappearance There have been several alleged sightings of Amy in the 22 years since her disappearance.

The Chesterfield County, Virginia resident had plans to start a new computer consulting job after her graduation from Longwood University, and the trip was meant to be a celebratory vacation. Unfortunately, what unfolded was only a nightmare. Five minutes later, Amy followed him back, where Brad says he and his sister then sat on the balcony to talk before he went to sleep. At 6 am the next morning, their father, Ron, found Amy missing from the balcony she slept on. Searching for chills? Subscribe Yes! I also want to get the Early Bird Books newsletter featuring great deals on ebooks. A photo of a sex worker named "Jas," believed by some to be Amy Lynn Bradley.. Photo Credit: Alchetron Having briefly woken up between 5:15 am and 5:30 am, Ron saw that Amy was in the lounge chair. He later described to local papers that he saw his daughter from the hips down, and that the door to the balcony had been closed.

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