Новости билд гангпланк

За каждого убитого в результате этого бойца Гангпланк получает золото.

Gangplank гайд

Однако, согласно статистическому сайту LoL Games of Legends, в 14 играх, в которых он появился, рекорд Гангпланка составляет 10-4, при этом победы чемпиона приходятся на восемь из последних девяти выступлений по всему миру, согласно сайту статистики Games of Legends LoL. В его нынешнем состоянии Гангпланк — в лучшем случае второстепенный чемпион. Хотя у него есть потенциал стать сильным контр-пикером или глубоким карманным пикером, который могут использовать топ-лейнеры, когда их прижмут спиной к стене, он не тот чемпион, к которому вы собираетесь обращаться в большинстве ситуаций. Однако баффы к его ультимейту Пушечный Обстрел могут подтолкнуть его к крайности и сделать его более желанным вариантом на Чемпионате мира. Присутствие Гангпланка в Ущелье Призывателей как глобальной угрозы — это то, что выделяет его среди других топовых чемпионов, и баффы, появляющиеся в этом направлении, безусловно, помогут ему укрепить свое место в мета.

Image via Riot Games These patch 13. Nerfing his passive basic damage, in the opinion of many League of Legends players, is a major change that will help temper his insane burst damage. Additionally, the change to his E Powder Keg will help players combat with him much better because the ability is unquestionably his best in the late game to harass and even 1-shot any low health champions.

А потом игра всё таки вышла, и каждый момент из слитого видел там был. А игра была очень так себе. Ещё можно вспомнить из мира кинематографа Дюну Ходоровского. Даже документальные фильмы про неё снимали, несмотря на то, что ни одного кадра Дюны не снято.

All builds that we share automatically update when new changes or patches appear. What you see below is the build for Gangplank on top lane. As you can see from the build above there is mentioned Gangplank rune set with the best potential for Gangplank. You can see what runes are main for the character and which are taken for some extra assistance. Also, there are mentioned minor nodes that you can take to play Gangplank in League of Legends. Under the rune set, you can see the best summoner spells used with Gangplank. The overall tier for the champion is mentioned just next to the summoner spells. As for the best item set, you can see starting items. These are the items that you need to buy at the start of the game before you go on your lane. Next to it, there are early items, later you will upgrade them to the whole items for Gangplank build.

Gangplank Build Path

  • Gangplank is the Next Bilgewater Champion for Legends of Runeterra
  • Counter Picks and Gangplank’s Win Rate
  • Gangplank TFT Build Set 10.5: Items & Comps Guide - Zathong
  • Gangplank Build, Runes & Counters for top Gangplank
  • - Free Daily Updated League of Legends Gangplank 14.8 Builds From Korea [LOL-KR]

Лига легенд гангпланк гайд

Раз в несколько секунд при очередной автоатаке Гангпланк поджигает врагов. Gangplank is getting the Irelia treatment in League of Legends as Riot plan early-game nerfs with big late-game buffs for patch 11.17. Сегодня считается, что Гангпланк уже обладает достаточной силой и влиянием, чтобы захватить место короля пиратов по возвращении домой. Гангпланк скорее зальет улицы Билджвотера кровью, чем позволит взойти на трон кому-то другому – и теперь, вооружившись пистолетом, саблей и бочками.

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  • Gangplank Build S14 :: Runes, Items, Matchups [League of Legends]
  • Gangplank Build S14 :: Runes, Items, Matchups [League of Legends]
  • Gangplank is the Next Bilgewater Champion for Legends of Runeterra
  • Top Gangplank Counters, Synergies, and First Pick Analysis

Gangplank is the Next Bilgewater Champion for Legends of Runeterra

Лучший билд и руны гангпланка. Gangplank is still one of the best toplane champions that is playable in both Ranked Solo/Duo and professional play, despite receiving nerfs in League of Legends version 13.1b. Best build and guide for Gangplank Top Current stats: WR: 49%, TIER: B, Pick rate: 3%. Check out LOL stats and recommendations about Gangplank’s skills and WIN. Leader of the Command Line with a merciless reputation, Gangplank's access to dangerous PROJECT tech allows him to rule the city with a cybernetic fist.

Gangplank build

Гангпланк устанавливает пороховую бочку, которую могут атаковать как сам персонаж, так и вражеские чемпионы в течение 25 секунд. Гангпланк устанавливает пороховую бочку, которую могут атаковать как сам персонаж, так и вражеские чемпионы в течение 25 секунд. Гангпланк гайд для патч от профессиональных ЛоЛ игроков. Гангпланк чаще всего будет играться на позиции. Runes: Gangplank has one of the lowest base HP's of any melee fighter in the game so its very important to abuse grasp procs. Gangplank. All Gangplank Skins. Browse News Tournaments Matches. Гангпланк в этом году не особо участвовал в профессиональной игре, так как его показатель выбора/бана в высшей лиге в 2,8% во время Летнего Сплита оставляет желать лучшего.

Gangplank nerfs in Patch 13.5: Passive burn reduced, and increased E cooldown

Image via Riot Games According to some players, one of the main reasons Gangplank is so powerful is that he has far too much sustain as a late-game scaling champion. This is why playing against him is difficult in the mid-late game, because other champions, even in the hands of strong players, are rarely able to penalize him early in the game. It will be fascinating to see if playing against Gangplank feels much more equal once League of Legends patch 13.

Additionally, the change to his E Powder Keg will help players combat with him much better because the ability is unquestionably his best in the late game to harass and even 1-shot any low health champions. Image via Riot Games According to some players, one of the main reasons Gangplank is so powerful is that he has far too much sustain as a late-game scaling champion. This is why playing against him is difficult in the mid-late game, because other champions, even in the hands of strong players, are rarely able to penalize him early in the game.

Try to get a B. Guardian Angel Guardian Angel is an overall great item and grants you armor, attack damage, and the chance to save yourself in a teamfight. The second life can help you win games against teams who blow all their abilities and engage tools on you and then run out of steam.

This item will deny all their efforts by bringing you back to life ready to fight. While it only grants you 55 attack damage and 18 lethality, which might feel inefficient, the passive effect to reduce shields received by the target allows you to actually do more damage than a critical strike item with perhaps more attack damage. Essence Reaver This is a great item, granting you all the stats you need. It gives you attack damage, critical chance, cooldown reduction, and a great passive to keep your mana up. It is the first item to get if you intend to get Immortal Shieldbow due to its Sheen effect. Immortal Shieldbow A defensive Mythic item alternative, which gives you decent stats and a nice shield effect when you drop below a certain percent of your health. As you scale, the shield value will grow stronger, allowing you to soak much more damage, up to 700 by the 18th level. This 3,400 gold item gives you great stats—60 attack damage, 20 percent critical strike chance, and 30 ability haste.

On top of these beast stats, it also allows you to refund 20 percent of your basic cooldowns after you land a critical strike hit. It helps you chase down enemies or avoid ganks easily and is overall a great pickup for Gangplank. It can be purchased early on as a second item if you want to snowball in the top lane quickly. The five percent execute is very impactful, especially if you use your ultimate to finish off low-health players.

There are two major reasons why ability power is beneficial to Gangplank.

R, Cannon Barrage — has an insanely high AP ratio and can one-shot multiple enemies in the circle. And in many situations, having huge heals every 5 seconds and an AoE spell that can win every team fight is actually kind of broken. For example, one thing that AP Gangplank does very well is surviving in lane. His passive, Q, and E, have decent base numbers and actually deal a lot of damage, even when your inventory is full AP. Of course, you can always swap one or two of your AP items for AD ones if you feel like you need more consistent damage.

Besides farming, your job as AP Gangplank is to poke with Q as much as possible. This is especially important against melee champions and you want to bully them out of lane by constantly applying your Q and passive burn. However, the most important strategy here is to immediately recall when you have 700 gold and buy Sheen. Sheen is simply an amazing item for GP and boosts the damage of his Q significantly.


  • League of Legends - Гангпланк мертв! Новый режим "Дебоширы черного рынка"
  • Gangplank Skins
  • Gangplank TFT Abilities
  • League of Legends Gangplank Build Guide – Expert Game Reviews

League of Legends S12: Gangplank Top Build Guide

GANGPLANK PROBUILDS A statistical breakdown of the Gangplank vs Yone matchup in the Top Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Yone vs Gangplank matchup statistics.
Гайд по колоде Седжуани Гангпланк Gangplank, the outlier that he is, doesn’t actually care about being left in isolation all too much.
League of Legends S12: Gangplank Top Build Guide - Millenium Find the best Gangplank build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.8.

League of Legends - Гангпланк мертв! Новый режим "Дебоширы черного рынка"

League of Legends Gangplank Build Guide – Expert Game Reviews Detailed League of Legends Gangplank ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes.
Gangplank Abilities Гангпланк получит новый основной образ, который отразит все то, что произошло с ним в свете последних событий в Билджвотере, а старый перейдет в категорию классического.
LoL Wild Rift: GANGPLANK - Build Guide (Items, Runes, Skills Leveling) Discover the best Gangplank decks from the Legends of Runeterra community with our extensive LoR deck database.


Гангпланк получает сильный бафф ультимейта The AP build for Gangplank offers an alternative playstyle, one where GP isn’t only a late game carry but a presence of dominance on the whole map.
Gangplank. : Обсуждение героев Gangplank physical/magical/true damage repartition. Damage composition. Gangplank presence by patches.
ЦЫГАН ГАНГПЛАНК | НОВЫЙ БИЛД | ШЕСТЬ ДРАКОНОВ от Виви | Видео Гангпланк устанавливает бочки, которые при взрыве наносят урон и замедляют врагов.
Gangplank Pro Builds - How to Play Gangplank in Season 14 Горгона Призма Инкарнон СП билд на 20.11.2023 Prisma Gorgon Incarnon The Steel PathПодробнее.

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