Новости джейс билд

Wild Rift Jayce is a strong pick in the top/baron lane as he has both melees and ranged attack options. Чтобы помочь вам, мы собрали лучшие билды и руны, взятые у одного из сильнейших игроков Джейса в мире: Зевса. Find the best Jayce build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.8.

Who is Jayce in Arcane?

Find info about Jayce in League of Legends Wild Rift including champion abilities, build, and matchups here. НОВЫЙ КОРЕЙСКИЙ БИЛД МЕНЯЕТ ВСЕ, ДИАНА ФУЛ ТАНК Вайлд Рифт / League of Legends Wild Rift. Кейтлин запускается со своим скином Headhunter, в то время как Джейс поставляется в комплекте с Brighthammer Jayce на тему D&D. Gilded Jayce & Gilded Jinx. Jayce physical/magical/true damage repartition.

Джейс Вейланд

Transform Mercury Hammer Active — Jayce transforms his weapon into Mercury Hammer, gaining bonus armor and magic resistance. Transforming his weapon will change his attack range and abilities. Knowing when to use Hammer Form and Cannon Form is the most important requirement when playing Jayce. Passive farming is the best state for Hammer Form and aggressive trades is where Cannon Form excels. The primary stat that this champion utilizes the most is Lethality, making his burst capabilities extremely powerful and give him a deadly amount of Attack Damage. Jayce uses a lot of resources but is able to compensate for the fact that his kit allows him to refund a portion of the resources he takes while playing from a safe distance depending on the form he chooses.

Starting Items Tear of the Goddess — Thanks to the update following the preseason patch , Tear of the Goddess is now available as a starting item. This item fully enables Jayce to be more of a lane bully by constantly trying to shoot his Shock Blasts or To the Skies! This also enables him to get his Manamune a lot faster compared to before. Core Items Eclipse Mythic — Eclipse is the must-have mythic item for burst-type lethality champions like Jayce. The requirement for this ability to gain the full effect can be fulfilled when he properly executes his Hammer Form combo or is able to maximize his Hyper Charge.

This item also partially enables his damage to be relevant in the later stages of the game thanks to the Armor Penetration passive bonus that other legendary lethality items get. The passive movement speed also allows Jayce to switch lanes and get out from split pushing when he senses danger. Edge of Night — Another important lethality item for champions that like to get up-close and personal. It also adds a layer of survivability thanks to the shield and HP. The high amount of Armor Penetration that this item offers is enough to make him relevant into the later stages of the game.

This item is the primary Grievous Wounds option for bruiser champions. Use this item when the enemy team has a lot of healing sources.

В частности, Джейс получает всплеск мощности на двух предметах после того, как построены Затмение и Манамунэ. Эти два предмета не только дают много урона от атаки, но также дают ману и скорость способностей для быстрого спама заклинаний, значительно увеличивая его потенциальный урон. Как только Манамунэ будет полностью сложен, Джейс получит второй шип, так как он получит доступ к пассивной способности Мураманы. В паре с ионийскими сапогами ясновидения Джейс получит достаточную скорость способностей, чтобы использовать заклинания в постоянной последовательности, переключаясь между двумя формами. Это трио наступательных предметов.

Lux can now flash while casting Final Spark R.

Kayle Divine Judgment R ally cast time reverted back to 1. Singed Base health points lowered from 610 to 580. Base armor lowered from 37 to 34. Wukong All changes reverted.

Throughout the article, the writer presents a deep understanding about the subject matter. Notably, the discussion of Y stands out as a key takeaway. Thanks for this post.

League of Legends: Wild Rift гайд по сборке Джейса лучшие предметы, руны, навыки и комбо

Acceleration Gate 3 Jayce deploys an Acceleration Gate that grants decaying movement speed for a few seconds to yourself and ally champions that pass through it. This is very effective when you and the team are ready to engage. You will all get a massive burst of movement speed that will help you and the rest of your team. You can combo Acceleration Gate with Shock Blast 1st Ability , dealing more damage and allowing Shock Blasts to travel farther and faster. For most of the game, you want to stay in Ranged Form as long as possible because you can do a lot of poke damage in the laning phase and in team fights. When transformed, the next attack with the Mercury Hammer is empowered to deal additional magic damage. Only use Mercury Hammer when you want to jump in and deal a lot of burst damage to the enemy champion.

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With the quick combos and switch of weapons, he can stack it really quickly. Jayce focuses on achieving as much Ability Haste as possible in order to spam the abilities in rotation. Transcendence is perfect for that as it lowers the cooldown on takedowns. With the current state of the game, in which most champions have ways to gap-close even more now, with the recent item changes , Jayce has the option to move swiftly out of nasty situations. It works best when you want to focus on poking the enemy with extra damage. Remember to focus on building heavy AD when choosing this rune as it will deal more damage.

The champion currently hovers around a 47-percent win rate and is rarely played in the current patch. Lux will also be buffed to allow her to maneuver better when using her ultimate ability. Here are all the recent PBE changes testing for Patch 10. Jayce Mana increased from 357. Mana per level increased from 37 to 45.

Jayce Build Guides, Runes and Items

Jayce has two weapons, the Mercury Cannon and Mercury Hammer. When his Mercury Hammer is active and he uses his Q, he jumps forward. Some colors have changed and the yellow trim on the ground was changed to look more realistic. While his Mercury Cannon is active, the colors have been improved and the electricity on his weapon as well. The Mercury Hammer W was also improved to look much better and cleaner. Her W and E are going to have clearer visuals, with more prominent colours.

It works best when you want to focus on poking the enemy with extra damage. Remember to focus on building heavy AD when choosing this rune as it will deal more damage. On the other hand, however, if enemies get really tanky you might struggle playing Electrocute. Focus on those two stats when choosing the items to buy.

Eclipse is one of the strongest items in the game right now: it gives everything Jayce needs. In that case, start the game with a Tear of the Goddess and finish it after the Eclipse.

Her auto-attacks with her rocket will create an orange hue around opponents hit by a rocket.

Previously they were shrouded in some smoke. Her ultimate also got an update. The explosion when her rocket hits is much larger and the rocket itself is also bigger, which means it is easier to spot.

Jinx is going to have three skins, while two Jayce skins will have improved visuals once the update goes live: Crime City Jinx.

Thundering Blow 3 Jayce knocks a target and enemies near them backwards, dealing magic damage. Most of the time, you want to save this Ability and only use it to knock enemies away when you are in danger. However, you can also use this Ability in combo with Flash to knock the enemy towards your team.

Acceleration Gate 3 Jayce deploys an Acceleration Gate that grants decaying movement speed for a few seconds to yourself and ally champions that pass through it. This is very effective when you and the team are ready to engage. You will all get a massive burst of movement speed that will help you and the rest of your team. You can combo Acceleration Gate with Shock Blast 1st Ability , dealing more damage and allowing Shock Blasts to travel farther and faster.

League of Legends: Wild Rift гайд по сборке Джейса лучшие предметы, руны, навыки и комбо

На текущий момент Кейн принял участие в 41 матче во всех турнирах, в которых забил 40 голов и сделал 13 ассистов. Напомним, 30-летний футболист перешёл в мюнхенский клуб из «Тоттенхэма» минувшим летом. Действующее трудовое соглашение игрока с клубом рассчитано до лета 2027 года.

Урон от этих атак зависит от уровня.

Е: 1 форма — Thundering Blow — Джейс наносит магический урон, равный процентам от максимальных жизней цели, и отбрасывает врага на короткую дистанцию. Урон ограничен по монстрам. R: 1 форма — Mercury Cannon — трансформация Mercury Hammer в Mercury Cannon, что открывает новые возможности и дальность атаки.

Следующая атака в этой стойке уменьшает броню и магическую защиту врага на пять секунд.

Затем он может перейти в ближний бой и использовать локальные взрывы по площади, регенерацию маны при своих атаках и усиление брони. Перемещение между зонами действия и переключение между ролями является наиболее выгодным, поскольку он получает преимущества за каждое переключение между режимами, а это означает, что опытным игрокам Джейса необходимо будет быстро адаптироваться к меняющейся ситуации.

The passive is when Jayce is in Melee Form Mercury Hammer ; his attacks restore mana—the active releases an electrifying aura, dealing magic damage over a few seconds to nearby enemies. This Ability is best used just after To The Skies 1st Ability as you will be on top of the enemy when you leap towards them so you can make the most out of the damage that Lighting Field brings. Hyper Charge 2 Jayce gains a burst of energy, increasing Attack Speed for three attacks within a few seconds. You can also change form to get the attack speed in melee form instead, which can be beneficial when jumping in with To The Skies. Thundering Blow 3 Jayce knocks a target and enemies near them backwards, dealing magic damage. Most of the time, you want to save this Ability and only use it to knock enemies away when you are in danger. However, you can also use this Ability in combo with Flash to knock the enemy towards your team.


Jayce Top Lane is ranked A Tier and has a 48.82% win rate in LoL Patch 14.8. НОВЫЙ КОРЕЙСКИЙ БИЛД МЕНЯЕТ ВСЕ, ДИАНА ФУЛ ТАНК Вайлд Рифт / League of Legends Wild Rift. Jayce, for example, has struggled in the mid and top lane due to mana issues and the lack of early game damage. Повстанец Джейс LoL образы Джейс Повстанец Джейс League of Legends skin Loading. Чтобы помочь вам, мы собрали лучшие билды и руны, взятые у одного из сильнейших игроков Джейса в мире: Зевса.

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Master Jayce in League of Legends with : Discover the best builds, items, runes, and strategies for Jayce on 14.8. Hey, I’m Zathong and this article is all about the Jayce wild rift build. Чтобы помочь вам, мы собрали лучшие билды и руны, взятые у одного из сильнейших игроков Джейса в мире: Зевса. Также Джейс может играть через сплитпуш, это одна из лучших стратегий для поднятия ранга.

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